
You can't insert a frameset document inside of a DIV element in the middle
of a regular HTML page. The fact that this is not working has nothing to do
with Tiles. It is simply invalid HTML. You can nest frameset documents, but,
you would still need to reference the nested frameset document as the SRC
attribute for a frame in an outer frameset document.

In case it might help, here is a brief explanation of how tiles and
framesets are successfully used together in the webapp that I am currently
working on.

I use framesets with tiles in a limited fashion. The bulk of my current
application doesn't require the use of frames, but, I need to use them to
integrate a third party solution as if it were a part of our application. I
do this by displaying the responses from their server in a frame where the
body content tile would normally be for a regular page.

I have a separate master layout tile definition for normal pages and a
different master layout tile definition for frameset pages. The master
layout tile definition for the frameset pages has a PATH attribute that
refers to a frameset document.

The tricky part is that the SRC attribute in your frame definitions within
the frameset have to make a separate request. Obviously, you can't have a
tile attribute referring to another tile to insert at that point. Plus, I do
everything through action mappings with no direct JSP references client
side. So, this means that I end up with a lot of cookie cutter action
mappings for the various frames that then simply forward to the tile
definition for each frame.

I was able to at least get some code reuse by inserting the same tiles for
menus, footer, etc... into a page tile for each frame. For example,
inserting the same menu tile into the header frame of the frameset as I use
to insert the menu into the master page layout for the rest of the regular

There is probably a more elegant solution, but, I haven't invested much time
or energy into this because I only need to use it for this one special case.
So, I wouldn't necessarily emulate what I have done. However, you clearly
can mix the use of framesets with Tiles.

Hope this helps, Van

Mike Van Riper
Silicon Valley Struts User Group

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mutreja, Shitij [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2004 10:08 AM
> To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
> Subject: REPOST: Question on Frames within Tiles
> Any suggestions please. Am desperate at this point. Can 
> framesets even be
> loaded from tiles?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mutreja, Shitij [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, February 04, 2004 2:16 PM
> Subject: Question on Frames within Tiles
> Is there a good place/article/sample code  to check out, for mixing
> framesets and tiles. The App that I am working on seems to 
> need to use both.
> Basically, we have to display content such that there are 2 
> frames, the left
> one showing some text, while the right one accepts user 
> input. Both these
> also need to be scrollable separately.
> My intention is to somehow include these frames within a Body 
> tile. The
> other issue is that there is also a footer tile, which might 
> need to include
> a frameset. The reason being the the control buttons need to always be
> visible(without having to scroll to view them).
> Here is what i tried:
> Layout used for the Body:
>       <div id="content-well">
>               <tiles:insert attribute="quiz"/>
>               <tiles:insert attribute="quizfooter"/>
>       </div>
> quiz actually has a value in the tile-defs that points to the
> quizcontent.jsp shown below:
>                       <frameset cols="20,720,*">
>                               <frame frameborder="0">
>                               <frameset cols="360,*">
>                                       <frame frameborder="0"
> src="/practicequizzes/quiz.jsp">
>                                       <frame frameborder="0"
> src="/practicequizzes/quiz.jsp">
>                               </frameset>
>                               <frame frameborder="0">
>                       </frameset>
> The problem with this is that the "/practicequizzes/quiz.jsp" is never
> actually sourced and I just see nothing in the body tile.
> Thanks,
> Shitij Mutreja
> Shitij Mutreja
> The College Board
> 11911 Freedom Drive, Suite 300
> Reston, VA 20190
> 571.262.5701 (Phone)
> 703.707.5596 (Fax)

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