
Here is a way to obtain the selected elements of the <html:select> tag:

Imagine JSP page where you set the kind of market sector
(Oil,Telecom,Government,...) of the current compagny you are editing.

In the ActionForm associated with the JSP I have:
        - an attribut listeTypeSociete which is an ArrayList of Bean for all the
kind of market sectors listed in my database (each market sector is a bean)
        - an attribut selectedIdTypeSociete which is a String for the pre-selected
kind of market sectors i get in my JSP when i edit a compagny (the id of the
sector market pre-selected)
        - an attribut socType which is a String for the new selected value of "kind
of market sectors" i will get from my JSP (the id of the sector market newly

In the JSP I have
        - a <html:select> based on the selectedIdTypeSociete for its value attribut
and whi will set the socType attrubut
        - a <html:options> based on the listeTypeSociete attribut

And it works pretty well:
I retreive in the JSP all the kind of market sectors + the one pre-selected
for this compagny
I receive the new selected king of market through the getSocType() method of
my Action Form.

As an ActionForm can be considered as a Bean I think you should try to do
the same to be able to get the value of the select in a bean : simply give a
"property" corresponding to an attribut of your bean


Here is the code :


private ArrayList listeSite = new ArrayList();
private String selectedIdTypeSociete = null;
private String socType = null;

////and their getter and setter methods///
<TD class=Texte width="35%"><B>Choose a compagny </B></TD>
<bean:define name="SocieteDetailForm" property="listeTypeSociete"
<bean:define name="SocieteDetailForm" property="selectedIdTypeSociete"
id="societeType" type="java.lang.String"/>
<TD colSpan=3>&nbsp;
<html:select size="1" property="socType" value="<%=societeType%>">
   <html:options property="idType" collection="lidy13"

-----Message d'origine-----
De : Rachel Warburton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Envoyé : jeudi 26 juillet 2001 17:34
À : Struts-User (E-mail)
Objet : getting all items from a <html:select> to an array bean property

Anyone know how to get all the values from a <html:select> and save them to
a bean property, which is an array?

I already have a solution which uses javascript to get all the values and
save them to a hidden field as one long string to be submit to an
ActionForm, which needs to convert the string to an array of integers.

However, I figure there must be a better way to do this.?


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