> From: as as [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> I keep getting this error.Sometimes recompiling my jsps makes 
> this error go away.but i have so many jsps(atleast 20) that 
> recompiling is giving error in one or the other of them
> wondering how to fix it....
> <input type="hidden" name="id"
> value="<%= request.getParameter("id") %>">
> <bean:write name="teacher" property="age" />

I don't understand why you're using <input> and trying to manually fill
in the value.  Struts will populate the form from the values coming in
in the request, and then write them back out for you in HTML form

If you have something special going on (prepopulating from a database)
you can set the values in the form bean in your Action and then when you
forward to the JSP Struts will again fill in the values for you.

Instead of your <input> tag above, try:  <html:hidden property="id"/>

The <bean:write> tag looks fine.  Is it giving an error?

Wendy Smoak
Application Systems Analyst, Sr.
ASU IA Information Resources Management

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