never mind - i figured it out. the problem was that my other property
was a Boolean and had isProperty instead of getProperty and that's why
it was not working

-----Original Message-----
From: Cukovic, Mirela 
Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2001 9:28 AM
Subject: problems with radio tag in html tag library

I'm having problems using radio buttons on my jsp. One would expect it
to be very straight forward, and it is as long as I have just one group
of radio buttons (i.e. the same property). But for some reason, as soon
as I introduce another 'group' of radio buttons, it chokes at that tag.
Has anybody ever had any similar experience with radio tags? What
possibly am I doing wrong?
This is what I have:

[ JSP...]
          <td width="197" valign="top">
            <div align="left">Member Type:</div>
          <td width="442" valign="top">
            <html:radio name="memberDetailsForm" property="type"
value="MEMBER"/> Member <br>
            <html:radio name="memberDetailsForm" property="type"
          <td width="197" valign="top">
            <div align="left">Web Enabled:</div>
          <td width="442" valign="top">
            <html:radio name="memberDetailsForm" property="web"
value="YES"/> Yes <br>
            <html:radio name="memberDetailsForm" property="web"
value="NO"/>No <br>
[...In memberDetailsForm]

private String type; //with setters and getters
private String web;

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