I believe that the name attribute can take a request-time expression that
you could
use for this purpose.

-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Hoeffner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2001 2:49 PM
Subject: setting a default bean for logic tags

Is it possible to set a default bean for logic tags like it is for form tags
so that they don't have to be named in each logic tag?

If I don't specify the "name" in an <html:text> tag, the "name" from the
parent form and its corresponding action tag will be used.  For example, in
the below <html:text> tag, fooForm will be used as the "name" from the
parent form since the "name" is not specified.

     <action path="/foo" type="FooAction" name="fooForm" scope="session"
     <html:form action="/foo">
        <html:text property="bar"/>

Is there a way to do this with logic tags?  I have lots of redundant logic
tags that need to use different beans, but since I have to have a different
value for the "name" on all of them, there's no clean way to reuse the JSP.


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