Shhh Larry.. What I do on my private time is my own business.

-----Original Message-----
From: Larry Meadors [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2003 1:50 PM
Subject: RE: struts/tiles switch from windows to Linux

Yep, Tim's right. 

Search your app for "\" characters. Odds are you have some config file
that has one. Change 'em to "/" and it will work in either OS.

Tim's always right. He is one fart smeller, er, umm smart feller.


>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10/15/03 11:42 AM >>>
>From the initial look of it.. It is not having a problem with finding
/tiles/CoolMenu.jsp but rather having a problem with code within
CoolMenu.jsp page. (Not that the exception is ServletException in
/tiles/CoolMenu.jsp not within the page that included it).

-----Original Message-----
From: Witt, Mike (OH35) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2003 12:46 PM
Subject: struts/tiles switch from windows to Linux

I have a webapp I've developed in windows.  The production environment
Linux.  On windows, I am using Tomcat 4.1.24.  In Linux, it is Tomcat
(standalone).  Here is the problem: I have a tiles tag that says:

<tiles:put name="menu" value = "/tiles/CoolMenu.jsp" />

This worked fine in my windows version, but on Linux I get:

[ServletException in:/tiles/CoolMenu.jsp] The menu repository could not
I should mention that the "tiles" directory is at the upper level of my
app's root.

Anybody have any idea why this would be seen differently in Linux vs.
Windows?  Am I inadvertantly addressing the file path wrong?  I tried a
relative path "tile/CoolMenu.jsp" and that didn't work in Windows
(though I
didn't get an error message, it just didn't show up) and I tried using
root name: "/rootname/tiles/CoolMenu.jsp" and that didn't work at all.

Thanks, Mike Witt

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