> 3. Controller Creates a new instance of ActionForm, invokes it's
> reset method.

The instance of the ActionForm either already exists (created by
a previous Action) or is created when the HTML for the form is
generated (as the form is being given to the user for modification).
Reset is not called at this point because maybe the form has
been preloaded with info or maybe the form is being returned to
the user because a previous validation failed. Reset() is invoked
when the form has been filled out and is on its way back to the
server. The form is then cleared and filled with the new parameters
before being delivered to the Action. So form creation takes place
as the HTML is going out and the reset is invoked when the data
is on its way back. They don't happen together.

> 3b. If validate method contains code, run it (populating the 
> errors object)

If "validate" is set to "true" in the struts-config.xml file.


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