Hi Guys, 

Please help me out on this one...

I ran in to a small problem...

1. In the system im developing the user has to go through several pages,
entering information that needs to be processed...
2. When ever the user enters invalid data, he'si returned to the form and is
presented to error messages...
3. The user should be able to press the bacl button, or user other means to
navigating backwards in the process. When navigating backwards the forms
should be populated with whatever data he has entered...

(of course all the above is straight forwrd implemented in struts, but check

4. After the user has completed the entire proces, he is able to do it one
more time. 
This time the forms should not "remember" what the user previuosly entered,
and should therefor be blank...

To give a more substantial example...it could be an insurance broker who
would do several calculations on an house insurance for each customer...
Each calculation should be isolated from each other...

Is there a simple way to do this???

At the moment there no coupling between my ActionForms and my Logic Beans
(ie no association or anything)...

Could I use the transaction token??? and if so, is there any documentation
for the transaction token!!

thanks in advance


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