Following up with my solution, in case others have a similar question, and 
thanks again to those who offered ideas. I ended up using a separate 
selection window, and compromised on some JavaScript usage. Struts actions 
open the new window and populate the selection list. JavaScript is used 
only to pass the field values back to the original form and "auto" close 
the selection window. Without access to JavaScript, one could still look 
up the desired information, but must manually type in the field values on 
the form and close the selection window.

In my form JSP, I open the selector (JSP) window using a link next to each 

  <html:link page="/" target="_blank">Select 

In my selector JSP:

<script language="JavaScript">
function promptPerson(id, first, last) {
        window.opener.document.forms[0].person.value = id;
        window.opener.document.forms[0].personName.value = first+" "+last;

<logic:iterate name="promptform" property="persons" id="person">
<tr align="left">
  <td><bean:write name="person" property="personID"/></td>
  <td><bean:write name="person" property="firstName"/></td>
  <td><bean:write name="person" property="lastName"/></td>
  <td><a href="javascript:promptPerson(
      '<bean:write name="person" property="personID"/>', 
      '<bean:write name="person" property="firstName"/>', 
      '<bean:write name="person" property="lastName"/>')" >Select</a>

Susan Bradeen

On 11/12/2002 02:23:10 PM "Susan Bradeen" wrote:

> I have a few fields in some JSPs that will need to provide 
> type field prompting" (user double-clicks on a field to open a selection
> window). In reviewing the Struts docs and archives, it appears that 
> is no "Struts-specific" functionality for this, and I noticed that other
> people have used JavaScript pop-up windows in similar situations. 
> I've used pop-ups before, I am not confident they *will* be 
> compatible, which is important in this application, so I am shying away
> from using them this time. Unfortunately, I cannot use Struts
> selection/drop boxes for these fields, since my list of selections is
> quite large (user name lists, etc).
> I am wondering ... has anyone has come up with a different (less
> JavaScript) approach to making a field value selection from another 
> Thanks for any ideas,
> Susan Bradeen
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