> In working on this, I've come up with a couple of things that 
> would be very
> handy to have:
> 1) A simple "dummy" struts app which would be ready for me to 
> plugin my
> taglib to test. I know that creating a little app won't take 
> long, but a
> nice little starting point would be convenient.

For an Intro to Struts seminar at my work, I extricated the struts-example
webapp sources from the full source release for Struts 1.1. You would have
to configure one "build.properties" file with the location of the external
jars required to build the webapp. This is mostly just the ones in the
Struts 1.1 binary release plus the servlet API jar. However, I added logging
support for a rolling log file using log4j. So, you would have to provide
the location of your own local copy of the log4j jar file too (or change the
build file).

Also, I did "tweak" the sources slightly to make it a better example of
using multiple struts-config and message resource files for my own purposes.
Other than that, it is pretty much the same mail reader example that ships
with Struts 1.1. The zip file is just under 100K in size.

If that sounds interesting, please send email directly to me requesting the
zip file at:


FYI, Van

Mike Van Riper

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