I have the following in my ~/.stumpwmrc. It hides all windows not
currently at the top of their frame.

    (defun hide-all-lower-windows (current last)
      (declare (ignore current last))
      (when (typep (current-group) 'stumpwm::tile-group)
        (mapc (lambda (win)
                (unless (eq win (stumpwm::frame-window
                                 (stumpwm::window-frame win)))
                  (stumpwm::hide-window win)))
              (group-windows (current-group)))))

    (defcommand enable-hiding-lower-windows () ()
      "Enable a hook that hides all windows that aren't at the top of
      their frame.
    This is primarily useful when you have (a) transparent window(s) and
    want to
    see the wallpaper underneath instead of other windows."
      (add-hook *focus-window-hook* 'hide-all-lower-windows))

I don't usually use any transparent windows, but when I do I can just
run enable-hiding-lower-windows.

Note that this is not particularly well-tested, and some windows don't
handle it well. Particularly modal windows can do weird things with this


On Mon, Sep 19, 2016, at 04:29 AM, KrishnaKanta wrote:
> I am not a developer or programmer, but I very much like
> this kind of windows management in Stumpwm.
> I use for some time already the Ratpoison WM and it is very suitable for
> me and my needs.
> My question is if there is a way to use a Transparent terminal in
> Stumpwm, because it seams it is always on top of an visible
> windows stack and so it is very difficult to read.
> I tried to find a solution in the documentation and on the Net, but I
> could not find any.
> I am sorry if this is a stupid question.
>  I thank you for any replay in advance.
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