Hi ..


I have been having spotty access to my main ISP email account the last two
days so I 

upgraded to latest sTunnel v 5.36.


I use sTunnel to help get emails from my ISP, Comcast, to load into an older
version of GoldMine CRM.

sTunnel has worked like a charm since 09/2013.


In restarting sTunnel I immediately got a 'server down' error, log included


Ideas? Suggestions?





[ ] Cron thread initialized

[ ] Running on Windows 6.1

[ ] No limit detected for the number of clients

[.] stunnel 5.36 on x86-pc-msvc-1500 platform

[.] Compiled/running with OpenSSL 1.0.2i-fips  22 Sep 2016


[ ] errno: (*_errno())

[ ] GUI message loop initialized

[ ] Running on Windows 6.1

[.] Reading configuration from file stunnel.conf

[.] UTF-8 byte order mark not detected

[.] FIPS mode disabled

[ ] Compression disabled

[ ] Snagged 64 random bytes from C:/.rnd

[ ] Wrote 1024 new random bytes to C:/.rnd

[ ] PRNG seeded successfully

[ ] Initializing service [pop3s]

[ ] Loading certificate from file: stunnel.pem

[ ] Certificate loaded from file: stunnel.pem

[ ] Loading private key from file: stunnel.pem

[ ] Private key loaded from file: stunnel.pem

[ ] Private key check succeeded

[ ] DH initialization

[ ] Could not load DH parameters from stunnel.pem

[ ] Using dynamic DH parameters

[ ] ECDH initialization

[ ] ECDH initialized with curve prime256v1

[ ] SSL options: 0x03004004 (+0x03004000, -0x00000000)

[ ] Initializing service [imaps]

[ ] Loading certificate from file: stunnel.pem

[ ] Certificate loaded from file: stunnel.pem

[ ] Loading private key from file: stunnel.pem

[ ] Private key loaded from file: stunnel.pem

[ ] Private key check succeeded

[ ] DH initialization

[ ] Could not load DH parameters from stunnel.pem

[ ] Using dynamic DH parameters

[ ] ECDH initialization

[ ] ECDH initialized with curve prime256v1

[ ] SSL options: 0x03004004 (+0x03004000, -0x00000000)

[ ] Initializing service [ssmtp]

[ ] Loading certificate from file: stunnel.pem

[ ] Certificate loaded from file: stunnel.pem

[ ] Loading private key from file: stunnel.pem

[ ] Private key loaded from file: stunnel.pem

[ ] Private key check succeeded

[ ] DH initialization

[ ] Could not load DH parameters from stunnel.pem

[ ] Using dynamic DH parameters

[ ] ECDH initialization

[ ] ECDH initialized with curve prime256v1

[ ] SSL options: 0x03004004 (+0x03004000, -0x00000000)

[ ] Initializing service [comcast-pop3]

[ ] Loading certificate from file: stunnel.pem

[ ] Certificate loaded from file: stunnel.pem

[ ] Loading private key from file: stunnel.pem

[ ] Private key loaded from file: stunnel.pem

[ ] Private key check succeeded

[:] Service [comcast-pop3] needs authentication to prevent MITM attacks

[ ] SSL options: 0x03000004 (+0x03000000, -0x00000000)

[ ] Initializing service [comcast-smtp]

[ ] Loading certificate from file: stunnel.pem

[ ] Certificate loaded from file: stunnel.pem

[ ] Loading private key from file: stunnel.pem

[ ] Private key loaded from file: stunnel.pem

[ ] Private key check succeeded

[:] Service [comcast-smtp] needs authentication to prevent MITM attacks

[ ] SSL options: 0x03000004 (+0x03000000, -0x00000000)

[.] Configuration successful

[ ] Listening file descriptor created (FD=432)

[ ] Option SO_EXCLUSIVEADDRUSE set on accept socket

[ ] Service [pop3s] (FD=432) bound to

[ ] Listening file descriptor created (FD=436)

[ ] Option SO_EXCLUSIVEADDRUSE set on accept socket

[ ] Service [imaps] (FD=436) bound to

[ ] Listening file descriptor created (FD=440)

[ ] Option SO_EXCLUSIVEADDRUSE set on accept socket

[ ] Service [ssmtp] (FD=440) bound to

[ ] Listening file descriptor created (FD=444)

[ ] Option SO_EXCLUSIVEADDRUSE set on accept socket

[!] bind: Permission denied (WSAEACCES) (10013)

[!] Error binding service [comcast-pop3] to

[ ] Closing service [pop3s]

[ ] Service [pop3s] closed (FD=432)

[ ] Service [pop3s] closed

[ ] Closing service [imaps]

[ ] Service [imaps] closed (FD=436)

[ ] Service [imaps] closed

[ ] Closing service [ssmtp]

[ ] Service [ssmtp] closed (FD=440)

[ ] Service [ssmtp] closed

[ ] Closing service [comcast-pop3]

[ ] Service [comcast-pop3] closed

[ ] Closing service [comcast-smtp]

[ ] Service [comcast-smtp] closed


[!] Server is down







John H Hoffmann



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