On 19 October, 2019 - Dirk Hohndel wrote:

> On Sat, Oct 19, 2019 at 02:14:06AM -0700, Dirk Hohndel wrote:
> > As one would expect, there were a lot of subtle differences in how things
> > are set up for the user when compared to Travis, and the documentation
> > isn't always as clear as I would have preferred, but I have now managed to
> > migrate all of the relevant builds with the exception of iOS to GitHub
> > actions. The iOS build is held up by an odd bug where the exact same
> > version of Qt fails with the exact same version of Xcode that I use
> > locally to do the iOS release builds. Instead of beating my head against
> > this one I intend to move iOS to a newer version of Qt again - something
> > that takes a good chunk of time in order to assemble the pre-packaged Qt
> > in a way that can reasonably quickly be unpacked on the build VM. And that
> > latter part of course also requires a fast internet connection, which I
> > won't have for the next couple of weeks as I am first on a dive trip and
> > then on a business trip. In other words, I expect this one build to stick
> > around on Travis for a little longer.
> > 
> > BTW: if anyone is interest in addressing this, be my guest. I'd be more
> > than happy not to be the only one working on this part of our
> > infrastructure.
> Forget everything I said.
> I appear to have an iOS build on GitHub Actions.
> I just pushed it to master right before getting on a flight. What could
> possibly go wrong.

Great work!

I think the CI system fills a useful role. Its sad to see travis
dropping the ball, but that's not our problem, and if we have a better
alternative in github actions, go for it.


Anton Lundin    +46702-161604
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