On 7/12/2023 20:21, Dirk Hohndel via subsurface wrote:
There is an oddity about the way this works. GitHub only does releases for tags. So there are basically two options: (a) do a "latest" tag and post all the binaries under that (which is what I've done so far)
(b) create a tag for every merge / push to the master branch

Both have drawbacks:
(a) creates a real mess with quickly having many, many artifacts in that same 'latest' release and the user having to figure out which ones to download. (b) creates a real mess as the git repo gets flooded with new tags - but then the releases themselves look much more sane

I'm curious what people think would be the better strategy - or if there's a third option that I've missed.

I guess the problem with (a) is that you re-use the existing release and keep pushing new artifacts to it? Can't you re-create the release from scratch such that the previous artifacts are dropped? When I looked into this stuff for setting up the libdivecomputer release action I decided to use the github cli instead of the action. The cli supports deleting releases and removing artifacts, so maybe that's something you could use for this purpose?

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