On 2017-10-27 05:00, Malcolm wrote:
I get a data error message when I try and download dives from my Oceanic VT 4.1 dive computer. I am using a new laptop computer. Attached are the files
suggested in subsurface help

It looks like this is yet another case of a corrupt ringbuffer begin pointer:

ERROR: Invalid logbook pointer detected (0x0240 0x0a30). [in ../../source/src/oceanic_common.c:218 (oceanic_common_device_logbook)] ERROR: Error downloading the dives. [in ../../source/examples/dctool_download.c:218 (download)]
ERROR: Data format error

Since this "bug" (a firmware bug probably) shows up quite often, I have been looking at possible solutions already. I have some ideas on how to modify the download algorithm to no longer depend on the begin pointer. But at the moment that work isn't finished yet. It works most of the time, but it also causes some regression for others. So it needs some more polish.

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