On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 9:55 PM, Walter Bender <walter.ben...@gmail.com> wrote:
> ===Sugar Digest ===
> I have been buried in meetings over the past few days, so I am a bit
> late in giving an update to the Sugar community.
> First, I want to wish Rafael Enrique Ortiz Guerrero (dirakx) a rapid recovery.
> While I have been distracted, lots of great work has been happening:
> the Sugar on a Stick team is making great progress on the Fedora-11
> port; the OLPC Learning Club held a pivotal meeting where they reached
> consensus about forming a Sugar Labs DC; progress is also being made
> in regard to a Sugar Lab in Peru; the Release Team has been cleaning a
> few outstanding bugs in 0.84.1; the community has been busy helping
> potential Google Summer of Code applicants refine their proposals;
> Sascha Silbe has been setting up a build farm for Sugar Labs; the
> Marketing Team has been reaching out to hundreds of more journalists
> about our new release; the Localization Team has been migrating the
> Pootle infrastructure to a new server; the Wiki Team has done a
> reorganization of the wiki in concert with the move away from
> CamelCase; and Sugar and Sugar Activities continue to be improved. A
> busy week.
> The big news is that thanks to the efforts of Jameson Quinn and Mel
> Chua, we have been accepted into Google Summer of Code 2009. We need
> to solicit and encourage as many great project proposals as we can in
> the next few days (applications are due April 3): the more students
> who apply to our program, the better our chances of getting more slots
> assigned. Please direct potential applicants to
> http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Summer_of_Code/Student_application_template
> and http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Development Team/Project Ideas.
> Thank you to everyone who has been answering student questions on IRC
> and on the mailing list.
> Tomeu Vizoso beat me to the punch by blogged about the great
> contributions being made by community members (See
> http://blog.tomeuvizoso.net/2009/03/what-keeps-me-going-on.html). One
> crude measure of the growing ranks of contributors is the steadily
> increasing number of people on #sugar on irc.freenode.net. We have
> been hovering around 100 lately. It is great to see both the
> continuity of long-standing contributors and the newcomers. The extent
> to which the veterans are being supportive of the newcomers (and my
> own barrage of naive questions) is a nice reflection on the project as
> a whole.

I would like to add Fred Grose to Tomeu's list.  He has been doing
great work cleaning up the wiki.

> ===Tech Talk ===
> We had in impromptu meeting on IRC to discuss the outstanding issues
> in regard to future Fedora/Sugar support for the OLPC XO-1. The list
> of work items is shorter than I would have thought and many of these
> items already have teams of people working on them. We discussed as a
> reasonable target being able to release these items in time for Fedora
> 12.
> # mesh
> # activation security
> # Rainbow (activity security)
> # activity update control panel
> # power management
> # library for browsing content bundles
> # automatic display/keyboard language setting
> # special keys on the keyboard (brightness, audio, ..)
> # using USB keys in the Journal
> # olpc-update
> # customization key
> # lease security
> # UL warning screen at shutdown

Great News!  OLPC made some fantastic innovations in these areas.  I
am glad to see that they are not lost.


> Tony Forster continues to work magic with Turtle Art (See
> http://tonyforster.blogspot.com/2009/03/turtle-fileview.html).
> There is a new Sugar tutorial project (Please see
> http://tutorius.org/blog/the-first-iteration/).
> Martin Langhoff announced the availability of XS-0.5.2 this week:
> http://xs-dev.laptop.org/xs/
> "It fixes 3 bugs, the most notable one being the ejabberd @online@
> roster issue."
> Sebastian Dziallas has made a new Sugar on a Stick snapshot available at
>  http://download.sugarlabs.org/soas/snapshots/2/Soas2-200903211320.iso
> and a virtual appliance image at
>  http://download.sugarlabs.org/soas/appliances/soas2-20090321.tar.gz
> Please test them.
> ===Sugar Labs ===
> Gary Martin has generated a SOM from the past week of discussion on
> the IAEP mailing list (Please see
> http://wiki.suagrlabs.org/go/Image:2009-March-14-20-som.jpg).
> --
> Walter Bender
> Sugar Labs
> http://www.sugarlabs.org
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> IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
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