Excerpts from Bernie Innocenti's message of Fri Jun 18 03:26:56 +0000 2010:

> With this build, all the major regression relative to 0.84 are fixed.

>  * Make ALT-TAB work. It was caused by a bug with XUngrabKey()
>    in the old Xorg server of Fedora 11, but we worked it around
>    in Metacity. We spent a lot of time to figure it out!
>    (tch, bernie)

So that Alt-Tab doesn't work on my systems (Debian squeeze, Xorg 7.5) is
a different bug?

>  * Fix fonts too big in all activities. This was a fallout of us
>    temporarily disabling sugar-settings-manager, due to another
>    bug (jasg).
Shouldn't sugar-settings-manager only be required to change font size at
run-time (see e.g. [1] at [09:59:32] ff. - the meeting where we originally
discussed it doesn't seem to have been logged)?


[1] http://me.etin.gs/sugar-meeting/sugar-meeting.log.20100208_0908.html

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