Hi all,

I used my 12h plane ride to Montevideo to play around with 11.2.0 build 16
and Dextrose 508 on my two XO-1.5 machines. I thought I'd brielfy comment on
some observation I made in the Journal:

* When copying large files (in my case a 700MB video) over from a USB drive
to the Journal there's no indication of the progress of the copy-process.
For small files I do remember seeing the gray-screen with some sort of
progress-bar but for this one it really looked as though the system was
simply frozen all throughout the copy process (which also seemed to take
ages compared to doing it on my regular laptop). [11.2.0 / Dextrose]
* 11.2.0 (not sure about previous versions) also shows the available Journal
space after hovering over the Journal icon when a USB drive is connected.
This is really handy when trying to decide whether to copy over large files
from external media so I think it would be great if Dextrose also integrated
it (which it currently doesn't seem to do).
* Last but not least: allowing the selection of multiple Journal
entries. IIRC this does appear on the to-do list for Dextrose 3 but I was
wondering whether there's a chance it can also make it into 11.2.0? Maybe
it's much harder than I imagine but could this be an item to tackle during
the Sugar Camp in Montevideo?

Overall I was very impressed by these latest software versions and can't
wait to test them more over the coming days and weeks:-)


Christoph Derndorfer
co-editor, olpcnews
url: www.olpcnews.com
e-mail: christ...@olpcnews.com
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