I cannot get Read with EPUB support working on Fedora 11 with
sugar-jhbuild.  I've pretty much given up on it, but I only need it
for one purpose anyway and I thought that one of you might be willing
to help out.

I am writing a FLOSS Manual about creating and using e-books with
Sugar.  I need a screen shot of the Read Activity showing an EPUB
book, specifically the EPUB I created as an example for the book.
This EPUB should be substantially complete very soon (at least
complete enough for a nice screen shot)..  If Read with sugar-jhbuild
has working EPUB support for you, let me know if you're willing to
help and if so I'll send you my EPUB derived from "The Big Aviation
Book For Boys", published 1928.  Load that up in Read, make a nice
screen shot and send it back to me.  The EPUB, loaded with red-blooded
stories of aerial adventure and heroism, is yours to keep.  No further
obligation and no salesman will call.


James Simmons
Sugar-devel mailing list

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