Hello all,

This is a weekly report of my work for the time frame 5/05/20 - 8/05/20. I
plan to make such reports every Friday evening or Saturday morning.

*5/05/21:* Walter has decided a meeting time for the entire group
(consisting of mentors and students of Musicblocks project) at 1700 IST on
Jitsi. I joined a little late on the first day and couldn't participate
much in the conversation. It was mostly introduction and a broader picture
of Music Blocks.

*6/05/21:* Daily meeting ended at 1730 IST and Walter told us to focus on
pending pull requests and issues so as to have a common and clean starting
After that, I had my first mentor meeting with Devin (mentor for my
project) and Sumit (backup mentor for my project). The discussion was
focussed on basic music theory and the importance of the project goal.
Working on this we discovered a new issue/regression regarding hard-coded
octave (#2238 <https://github.com/sugarlabs/musicblocks/issues/2238>).

*7/05/21:* I had a discussion with Walter regarding the importance and
scope of musicutils.js file and the redundancy present in it. Later I had
my second mentor meeting with Devin. Sumit also joined us later. Devin
built upon the concepts of the previous day to provide me a better idea of
Scale Degree and it's realization and all the other issues that fall under
its umbrella.
After the meeting, I went through some functions of the musicutils.js file
and we made some progress on issue #2238 on Github.

*8/05/21:* Before the meeting, I figured out the cause of the issue and had
a discussion with Walter regarding the very same. We are yet to find a fix
without breaking any functionality. Walter asked us to proceed forward with
the ES6 port of Music Blocks in a way that is manageable.
Later I had a small meeting with Devin, Vaibhav, and Sumit. We sketched a
rough design for Scale Degree block and developed on #2238's corner cases.
Later Vaibhav and Devin had a discussion about missing functionality in

The next meeting is planned for Monday. Meanwhile, I plan to:

   - Collaborate with my teammates and work on ES6 conversion and wrap it
   ASAP without any errors creeping in.
   - Spend more time analyzing musicutils.js, since it's a very pivotal
   point of my project.
   - Work on issues #2238 and #2239.

Thank You.

*Aviral Gangwar*
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