Re: [Sugar-devel] Sugar Digest 2009-05-03

2009-05-06 Thread Bastien
Great Sugar Digest and pointers, thanks.

Walter Bender  writes:

> Diego is of the believe that creativity is a skill that can be taught;

For the sake of conceptual clarity, I would myself consider creativity
as a meta-skill: the skill to activate other specific skills and make
something out of them.  

"Specific skills" are those with a specific object/purpose: repair a
bike, solve an equation.  Creativity is only a generic skill, with no
purpose pre-defined.

Obvious hypotheses: 

1. traditional teaching is good at teaching specific skills;

2. creativity can not be directly taught, only indirectly encouraged;

3. "teaching creativity" is meaningless unless teaching is creative
   itself, and focuses on creating the right environment for such a
   meta-disposition to engage into something interesting.

As far as I understand it, Sugar is a digital version of such an


Food for thought for the next SugarCamp?  I would love to hear about
Walter's experience and ideas on these topics!


Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Sugar Digest 2009-05-03

2009-05-05 Thread Bastien
Hi all,

following David Farning's advice, we want to keep the SugarCamp as
informal as possible.  Yet we want to have some tangible output, on 
top of the obvious (and noble) task of building the Sugar community.

So we have been brainstorming a bit and here are 17 challenges that 
we may want to tackle.  Here is your mission: 

- re-order this list to reflect your priorities (we will certainly
  focus only on the 10 first items in this list)

- try to be more specific in defining each challenge (we will have 
  a page on the wiki describing each challenge more thoroughly)

- try to make the challenge both doable and... challenging!

Of course, this list is open.

Thanks a bunch in advance for your feedback.

- Gcompris: package Gcompris as a .xo file

- WikiBrowse: have a simple receipe to build a WikiBrowse in any
  language, and start using it for a french WikiBrowse

- Help activity: have a simple receipe to build a Help activity in any
  language, and start a french WikiBrowse

- Install Sugar on the Gdium

- Finish the malagasy translation of Sugar core system

- Run the XS server on several architectures/systèmes

- Define and build a french bundle of Sugar activities

- Update several XOs from another XO

- Run Ooo4Kids on the XO (make it run better, sugarize it)

- Have a usable Ebook reader and package content for it

- Specify a pedagogical activity based on 3D sound

- Have an activity (à la Help) to make the Guide XO Gabon
  available/readable within Sugar

- Hardware test for SOAS

- Run Sugar on a Nokia N800

- Translate the deployment guide

- Create screencasts for several activities

- Have a css to make a Moodle website more readable on the XO/netbooks

Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Sugar Digest 2009-05-03

2009-05-04 Thread Walter Bender
On Sun, May 3, 2009 at 6:13 PM, Walter Bender  wrote:

> Diego introduced me to Grace Hopper's formula for creativity that I
> had not previously encountered: The probability of creativity is a
> function of knowledge, innovation, and experience, modulated by
> attitude. (Historical footnote: Hopper is the one who coined the term
> "debugging" when her colleagues found a moth stuck in a relay of the
> Mark II computer.) In this formulation, attitude is often the weak
> link.


I got two things wrong in one paragraph:

(1) It was Ruth Noller's formula for creativity; and (2) Hooper wasn't
the one who actually coined the term "debugging".

My apologies to both of these giants.


Walter Bender
Sugar Labs
Sugar-devel mailing list

[Sugar-devel] Sugar Digest 2009-05-03

2009-05-03 Thread Walter Bender
===Sugar Digest===

I encourage you to join two threads on the Education List this week:, which
has boiled down to an instruction vs construction debate; and, which
has boiled down to a debate of catering to local culture vs the
Enlightenment. I encourage you to join these discussions.

Rather than commenting here, I want to discuss a third, orthogonal
topic: creativity. I hosted a visit to Cambridge this week from Diego
Uribe, a Chilean researcher who is currently a Fulbright scholar at
the International Center for Studies in Creativity in Buffalo, NY.
Diego challenged me with two questions: Can we be more deliberate in
developing children's creativity skills and how can we use Sugar to
better disseminate creativity heuristics?

Diego is of the believe that creativity is a skill that can be taught;
there has been more than 50 years of research into how to teach this
skill; and yet creativity is rarely a deliberate part of mainstream

Diego introduced me to Grace Hopper's formula for creativity that I
had not previously encountered: The probability of creativity is a
function of knowledge, innovation, and experience, modulated by
attitude. (Historical footnote: Hopper is the one who coined the term
"debugging" when her colleagues found a moth stuck in a relay of the
Mark II computer.) In this formulation, attitude is often the weak

Central to his own vision of teaching creativity as a skill is the
ability to strike the proper balance between divergent and convergent

Guidelines for divergent thinking

* defer judgment
* go for quantity
* make connections
* seek novelty

Guidelines for convergent thinking

* apply affirmative judgment
* keep novelty alive
* check your objectives
* stay focused

(I was reminded of David Reed's analogy to water and ice: innovation
occurs in its liquid phase; consolidation in its solid phase.)

Diego was "preaching to the choir." When I was director of the Media
Lab, I never told the students or faculty what to work on—their ideas
were always much better than mine—but I did insist on a creative
(learning) process that I described in a paper, "The seven secrets of
the Media Lab".

The phases of the moon represent the cyclical process of innovation at
the Media Lab. In the 1980s we used to describe the first phase of the
innovation cycle as ‘demo or die’. John Maeda rephrased our mantra in
the late 1990s to be ‘imagine and realize’. Indeed, it is a violation
of our cultural norm to have an idea and not build a prototype — in
large part because of our deeply-held belief that we learn through
expressing. Building a prototype also enables us to advance to the
second phase of the innovation cycle — critique. The Lab, which has
its origins in architecture (the founder of the Media Lab, Nicholas
Negroponte, is an architect) draws upon the tradition of studio design
critique; we have daily visits from our industry partners and other
practitioners with whom we engage in an authentic critical dialogue
about the work. In this exchange, the work is discussed within a
broader context — ideas (and prototypes) are exchanged, improvements
and alternatives suggested. We then advance to the third phase of the
innovation cycle — iterate. Iteration within the Lab means returning
to ‘Step One’ to push our ideas further. Iteration within our
partners’ organizations means taking a prototype towards real-world
application. In both cases, we can learn from our mistakes (and

Another secret is fire:

Fire fuels the Media Lab. We invest in the passion of people, not
their projects. It is the fire that burns in every student and faculty
member that inspires and motivates them — love is a better master than
duty. Innovation at the Lab comes from the bottom up. It is not
regulated by a top-down process, but by continuous feedback from
peers, the faculty, and our external collaborators.

These principles proved affective at MIT in establishing a learning
community that is both collaborative and critical. These same
principles were an influence on the design of Sugar; however, we can
probably do more to embody them directly into Sugar itself.

Diego and I spent the next two hours exploring how we might make the
creative process more explicit in Sugar. He suggested that we consider
two common, approachable heuristics in our deliberations—SCAMPER and

SCAMPER is a technique developed by Alex Osborn, described in his book
Applied Imagination. SCAMPER is an acronym for "substitute, combine,
adapt, modify, put to another use, eliminate, reverse." It is used for
encouraging divergent thinking.

PPCo is also an acronym: "positives, potentials, concerns, overcoming
concerns." It was developed by Roger Firestien and Diane
Foucar-Szocki; it is used for convergent thinking.

What follows is a brief summary of our using a small sampling of the