On Tue, Mar 06, 2018 at 03:37:45PM +1100, James Cameron wrote:
> Developers are invited to attend the next team meeting, on Tuesday
> 6th March, at 5PM US/Eastern (10PM UTC).

Attending were James, Anmol, Walter, Rahul, Yash, Samson, and Devin.

> Agenda to include
> - what we have been working on,

Walter has been working on the Music Blocks release, which is very
close, and will be served from a host in the sugarlabs.org domain.

James has been reviewing patches, thanks to pull requests, and has
briefly looked at replacing the Record activity, which is still GTK+ 2

Rahul has been working on porting Sugar Toolkit for GTK+ 3 and Sugar
Datastore to Six and Python 3.

Anmol has been working on porting Sugar Artwork to Python 3.

Yash has been working on porting activities to GTK+ 3 and Sugargame

Devin has been working on Music Blocks.

> - port to Python 3 and Six, see GitHub issues below,

Expectations are;

- Sugar desktop shell, datastore, and activities to run in Python 3,

- some activities not yet ported to Python 3 will continue to run as
  Python 2 using the Sugar Toolkit,

And this last reason is why we want the Sugar Toolkit to be both
Python 2 and 3 capable.

Q: Who will be mentoring the associated GSoC project?

While a mentor is yet to be assigned by the organisation, any
developers can be asked for advice within their area of interest or

Q: Should we start porting activities yet?

Yes, but you will need a working port of the Toolkit before you can
test them.  Please use a branch "python3" until the Toolkit is
released, so that the "master" branch of activities will continue to
work with systems that do not have a Python 3 Sugar Toolkit.

Q: Should we split project between Glucose and Fructose?

Priority should be Fructose, then activities packaged by Fedora and
Debian, then any Glucose activities.  Other activity maintainers may
have other priorities.

(not sure if this question was properly answered)

General business; Anmol (octamois) asked about Continuous Integration
(CI).  Sugar Labs has had CI infrastructure, but it is not maintained.
Anmo will write-up a report about opportunities.

> #sugar-meeting irc.freenode.net
> Visitors also welcome.

James Cameron
Sugar-devel mailing list

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