Hi Emre,
For me it it works fine. Both times the vehicle with ID "1.0" travels the 
same distance. Please check your files whether you made some mistake during 
Best regards
Betreff: [sumo-user] Calculating A Single Vehicle Road Length
Datum: 2024-01-19T12:22:19+0100
Von: "Emre AKISKALIOĞLU via sumo-user" <sumo-user@eclipse.org>
An: "SUMO-User mailing list, ." <sumo-user@eclipse.org>
Dear SUMO,
I'm trying to calculate a road length for my simulation. I have two 
simulations that have the same values - have the same number of cars, same 
network, same simulation duration. The only difference is one of them is 
full of regular cars and the other one has EV defined.
I'm examining the first car called Vehicle 1.0. Generated emission output 
for both using sumo -c run.sumocfg --emission-output emissions.xml code. 
For the fuel simulation, Vehicle 1.0 has an average speed of 21.8075 m/s . 
It stays 55 seconds so it should take 1999,41 meters.
For the EV simulation, the same car (Vehicle 1.0) has an average speed of 
14,74 m/s. It also stays 55 seconds and has the same road so it should take 
810,7 meters.
Why is it so different and am I looking at it the wrong way? Is there a 
different way to calculate each vehicle's road length? Should I use the 
pos values in the emissions output? 
Sharing the documents in the attachment. Thanks in advance for the help!

Best Regards,



PhD Candidate in Mechanical Engineering

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