Re: Advice wanted, on 'Analemmatic' sundial orientation

2008-06-04 Thread Analemma Sundials
Hi All, Good point of Fer de Vries. I have the following suggestions: - build a spider-sundial. You will have nice circles for the dates. The place you can stand as a human shadowcasting person can be on the path. If you place the majority of the hourlines and no horizon lines, the pattern

sundial - building integration

2007-11-05 Thread Analemma Sundials
Dear fellow shadow-watchers, I am looking for some examples of sundials which are integrated with (public or private) buildings. Like the Walt Disney build for instance. Does anyone of you has some more examples for me? kind regards, Hendrik Hollander

Re: Hendrik Hollander Mean Time Dial

2006-08-28 Thread Analemma Sundials
he drawing, they are more visible on large sundials not small ones. Does that make sense or am I not understanding you? But except for that wavy line problem, I just want to say that I love the rest of Shadows Pro.When a client comes to

RE: Meridian alignments

2004-12-24 Thread Sundials
The recent correspondence on meridian alignments has been interesting but I agree with Andrew James that the 'da Vinci code' should have the health warning. How far back do we wish to go with the situation regarding the 'prime meridian'? Since the time of Ptolemy (the Almagest man) and

Re: The Henley Hall Dial

2004-10-13 Thread sundials
Hello John, I don't think me E-mail of the 12th got through so I will repeat it. I live just about 12 miles from Bitterley where Henley Hall is located. If you could give me some details of what I am looking for I will call down there and take some photographs. Silas Higgon. -

Re: Roman Numerals - as a test message

2004-03-30 Thread Sundials
Further to Andrew James message on Roman Striking on Clocks, the saving on the number of striking blows is much greater than perhaps some non-clockies might appreciate, as Andrew just drew attention to the two blows saved at 4 o'clock. At 12 only 4 strokes are needed instead of 12, 3 at 11, 2 at

Re: New Sundial books?

2003-10-14 Thread Sundials
. It is wide ranging but Chapter 2, (The Sun and Sundials) covers various sundial designs and shows how to make them using card, sticks, string and such like. It has a fair amount of mathematics but the author wrote it with the pocket calculator in mind. Beware of some rather odd type-setting in places

Re: Sundials in Manchester of all places

2003-01-19 Thread Sundials
Ian Maddocks wrote, in his interesting description of the Manchester exhibition, that the proposed Cornbrook device was a sundial based on an 'entropy surface'. One non-mathematical definition of entropy is 'a measure of disorder'. It would appear that the originator has chosen a most apt

Re: New to sundials; interested in heliochronometers

2002-10-16 Thread sundials
- Original Message - From: Jon Noring [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2002 5:53 AM Subject: New to sundials; interested in heliochronometers Hello, For a while I've had an interest in sundials, but never explored that interest in any detail. I

Re: BSS Newbury Meeting

2002-09-21 Thread sundials
David, Could you supply me with directions for 28th please. Silas. - Original Message - From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2002 9:49 AM Subject: BSS Newbury Meeting The British Sundial Society One Day Meeting at Newbury UK. 28

that quotation again.

2002-07-27 Thread sundials
Hello All, I think Tony's remarks about the dialmay be correct and all the gnomons of these ancient(!) dials may be held by Whitworth threaded screws! The earliest date from Patrick was 1640 but Richard gives us a date of 1882 for the publication of the book. David reinforces this with


2002-07-26 Thread sundials
Thanks to everyone for their help with the quotationand treble thanks to you, Patrick! Silas.


2002-07-25 Thread sundials
Hello All, Is anyone aquainted with the following quotation seen on a dial of 1703 madeby Henry Thomas? "Amyddst ye flowres I tell ye houres Tyme wanes awaye as flowres decaye Beyond ye tombe fresh flowers bloome Soe man shall ryse aboe ye skyes" Does anyone know the source of this please?

Re: time scale labels

2002-07-18 Thread sundials
Hello Jim, To differentiate between the two scales perhaps you could use roman numerals for one and arabic for the other. Also, may I suggest that instead of putting them one above the other that you put one "inside" the other so that they appear to be side by side. Perhaps you could

Re: New Deltacad Macro

2002-05-22 Thread sundials
I made some Deltacad macro's to draw horizontal analemmatic sundials. It also was meant to show how to use Deltacad for sundials. Recently John Carmichael asked for an improvement of this macro. His whish was to add points for half hours and so on. It was rather easy to do, so I added some

Re: Sundial Restoration

2002-03-25 Thread sundials
Hello Phill, This message arrived for me by mistake. Thought you might wish to know. Silas.

Coles sun compass

2001-10-22 Thread sundials
Dear friends, An expatriateliving in the Middle East is trying to buy a Coles Sun Compass or its American equivalent. Can anyone please help? Silas Higgon.


2001-09-10 Thread sundials
Hello All, For some time now I have been working on a mean-time dial using the suns azimuth. I have made a quarter scale model and have posted some images and a description on my website If you go to WHAT'S NEW there is a link to AZIMUTH DIAL at the foot of the page. If