Dear Dialling Colleagues,

On behalf of the editor of the British Sundial Society Bulletin (Dr Margaret 
Stanier), I'm pleased to announce the contents of the June edition of the 
Bulletin will include the following items:

*  A new Sundial on the wall of the National Museums of Scotland
*  Railway Time: the Sundial designed by George Stephenson and his son Robert
*  The Martian Analemma
*  Ancient Sundials of Israel
*  Horizontal Scratch Dials: 2 in Scotland, 1 in England
*  The Pigpen Cipher decoded: from Mrs. Gatty’s Book of Sundials
*  The Sundial in Castletown, Isle of Man
*  A Window-sill Dial at Dartford, Kent
*  Dunscar Wood, Lancashire: human sundial

The edition will be distributed to all BSS members as normal.


John Davis
Dr J R Davis
Flowton Dials
N52d08m  E1d05m

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