This man wrote to me wanting to order a particular type of heliochronometer.  I 
told him that I do not manufacture what he wants and that I would forward his 
resquest to The Sundial List.  Perhaps one of you can sell him what he wants.  
See his description and photo below.
From: [] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2013 4:11 PM
Subject: Accurate heliochronometer
You do what I like!
I am looking for a very accurate portable heliochronometer that can tell the 
time to the second in brass, no wood you know why! Shape more or less like 
picture, but with large Vernier scale, graduated latitude dial in half degrees 
around ca lat. 30 and 60, size 30-40 cm dial ring diameter, base plate with 
leveling screw for horizontal setting, compass in the base, precise and large 
analemma for equation of time, engraved hours and minutes on the ring if 
possible, motto and figurine on it. My position : lat. 46°31 minute N/long. 
6°38 minute 50 sec. E.
How about the price ?
Best regards,
Jacques Humbert
Av. de Rumine 11
1005 Lausanne/CH
   atenII <> 

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