Hi Reinhold,

The dial you cited is indeed a very nice one - but I would not call it a new
type of sundial.  The idea has been around for a while and in fact was the
subject of a patent: on May 21, 1867 U.S. Patent # 64,892 was issued to
Lloyd Mifflin for a mean time gnomon, consisting of a half analemma cut into
a flat plate.  Mifflin used this analemma in conjunction with an equatorial
dial - just as Dietrich has.

 Best wishes,


> ----- Original Message -----
> To: sundial@rrz.uni-koeln.de
> Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2002 12:39 PM
> Subject: A new sundial - type from Bremen!
> Dear friends,
> may I invite you to have a look at a probably new type of sundial,
> an analemmatic equatorial sundial with light-pointer,
> built by my friend Dietrich Ahlers.
> His HALBE - ACHT - sundial
> can be seen at the Homepage of Olbers-Planetarium Bremen as sundial of the
> month March.
> Either you start at:
> http://www.hs-bremen.de/planetarium
> and choose bottom right <Sonnenuhr des Monats> (sundial of the month)
> or go directly to:
> lem.htm
> Regards
> Reinhold Kriegler
> * ** *** **** ***** ****** *******
> Reinhold R. Kriegler
> Lat: 53° 06' 53'' N
> Long: 8° 53' 54" E


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