Hello Frank and all,

We have discussed on this list the mass dial on the old Saxon church, St
Gregory's Minster, Kirkland, North Yorkshire. See
http://www.ling.upenn.edu/~kroch/scand/kirkdale.html and click on the
picture for the slide show. I visited the church and took pictures of the
dial over twenty years ago but did not realize until today that there was a
personal connection. The inscription notes that Orm, Gamal's son, was the
benefactor who rebuilt the church and sundial about 1055 AD, before the
Norman Conquest. I learned today from Ronald Ormerod's website
www.ormerod.uk.net that Orm was the primogenitor of the Ormerod family. My
wife's maiden name is Ormerod and she is from Lancashire where this name is
common, but rare in the rest of the world.

As I have often said, "Everything I've needed to know, I've learned from


Roger Bailey


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