Ciao everyone!

I have been contacted by a brazilian architect who is in charge of building
up a monument in the Italian Apennino between Florence and Bologna to
commemorate the battle of Monte Castello (44°12'12''N  10°57'18''E) during
WorldWarII fought, with heavy losses, by the "Força Expedicionària
Brasileira". I have been asked to put down a shadow reference to the day of
the victory.
I am particularly interested in giving my help because at the time of the
Monte Castello battle I was a young man
and lived not too far, in the Bologna plain waiting for the liberation from
the German troops.
If someone is interested in details of that war event and in the image of
the scale model of the monument (no more than 20Kb in all), please let me
44 32' 10''N    11 32' 15''E

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