The Mayall & Mayall Reclining-Declining formulas given in the notes for the
wikipedia sundial article give the right answer for a horizontal dial.
...if R is taken as the inclination from the horizontal, and (as the author
of that wikipedia article section defined it) D is the azimuth that the
up-tipped dial is facing.
Then, if R = 0, and D = 0 (a horizontal dial), the Mayall & Mayall
Reclining-Declining formulas in the notes give the right answers.
I like the word "inclining" better than "reclining", because "reclining"
implies distance from the vertical. But departure from the horizontal is
how the dial departs from a horizontal dial, the ordinary dial.
For example, as I mentioned, a horizontal has R = 0 and D = 0, when R is
defined as departure from the horizontal.

As I mentioned before, differences in how variables are defined can result
in different but equivalent formulas.  ...which might mistakenly be judged
as incorrect for that reason.

Michael Ossipoff

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