Jonathan de Boyne Pollard:

In celebration of the forthcoming leap second, djbwares is now at version 4.


Jean Louis:

is not working: "access denied" and I instinctively tried that one first, as to avoid .eu (even it makes no sense).

You should have just tried the URL that I gave to you, without your changing it to something different.

Ironically, Bernstein publicfile is part of the package at hand, and this is the documented behaviour of publicfile, in its original Bernstein manual:

> A request for http://v/f refers to the file named ./v/f inside the root directory hierarchy, if f does not end with a slash.

> httpd will refuse to read a file if the file [...] is anything other than a regular file: a directory, socket, device, etc.

publicfile isn't going to let you read the WWW server's directories directly with URL tricks. You attempt that in vain. (-: For *not* trying to trick the WWW server, and simply reading the blurb and the download instructions, just use the actual URL that I gave.

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