Re: s6 xinit replacement?

2022-05-14 Thread Samuel Holland
On 5/13/22 10:47 PM, Guillermo wrote:
> Hello,
> El mié, 11 may 2022 a las 0:43, dallinjdahl escribió:
>> I tried to run X under s6 with the following run file:
>> ~~~
>> #!/usr/bin/execlineb
>> [...]
>> X :${screen} vt${screen}
>> ~~~
>> [...]
>> (WW) xf86OpenConsole: VT_ACTIVATE failed: Operation not permitted
>> (EE)
>> Fatal server error:
>> (EE) xf86OpenConsole: Switching VT failed
>> [...]
>> Does anybody know anything about how s6-svscan and s6-supervise might
>> change the environment so as to complicate running X?
> If the Xorg process does not run as root, the tty specified in the vt
> argument must be its controlling terminal.

Yes, this is effectively the requirement. You can override it with a capability,
but doing so is not necessary (see below). Here is the relevant kernel source
for reference:

> It works if you run X from
> an interactive shell (perhaps indirectly through 'startx'), because it
> inherits the shell's controlling terminal. It doesn't when run by
> s6-supervise, because s6-supervise executes the 'run' file in a new
> session, so there is no controlling terminal.

It also works if X has permission to open the tty device read/write. Opening a
tty as a session leader without a controlling terminal will set the controlling
terminal to that tty. Relevant kernel code:

And X will try to do that at startup (after failing to play with process groups
because it is already group leader):

I use a udev rule to set the tty owner:

$ cat /etc/udev/rules.d/99-tty.rules
SUBSYSTEM=="tty", KERNEL=="tty1", OWNER="samuel", GROUP="samuel", MODE="0600"

And everything Just Works.

I am fine with hard coding the tty number because my systems are single-user. X
is started at boot from my user supervision tree[1], which is started by the
user-* services in my system supervision tree[2].


You could also set the tty permissions at login. Another option is to avoid the
privileged IOCTLs by using the "-novtswitch" or "-sharevts" option. These set
flags which affect the logic in the other file:

Hope that helps,

Re: s6 xinit replacement?

2022-05-14 Thread Laurent Bercot

Is the purpose of executing setsid() in s6-supervise to allow for the
services to continue beyond the termination of the supervision tree?

 It's actually the opposite: it's to protect the supervision tree
against misbehaved services. :) setsid() makes sure the service is
isolated, and a killpg() or equivalent won't affect anything outside
of it. Of course, it also protects *other* services running under the
same supervision tree.

If that's the case, could there possibly be a flag to disable that,
with the understanding that something like nohup or even s6-setsid would
be necessary to replicate that behavior?  That would enable a non-root
Xorg to be managed by s6.

 The direction s6 has taken is really the opposite: there was such a
flag in earlier versions, but it was causing a lot of special cases
and problems I definitely did not want to deal with.
 The real issue is that a supervision tree should not be run with a
controlling terminal. It's not meant to be run from a logged-in user
process, but as a background infrastructure that's always there. The
whole point of s6 is to make your services *more reliable*; and there
are few things less reliable than a whole tree of processes that can
die on an accidental ^C.

 Because users insisted a lot, there are still accommodations for
killing a whole supervision tree with ^C when s6-svscan has been 
in a terminal. It is a nice feature to have (and although it was by 

that services persisted beyond the ^C, it was unintuitive to most users,
so from a pure UI standpoint, killing the entire tree in one go was
 However, I'm not going back on the "each service runs in its own 

thing, because if there's a case for allowing the user who controls
s6-svscan to kill the whole tree at once, there is just no case for
allowing a service running under the tree to impact other services and
the tree itself.

 Despite this, you're right that the pattern of xinit is similar to what
s6 does, and it *is* possible to run Xorg under s6; several users are
doing so, and I hope they will post their setup. (You may have more
luck by asking in the IRC channel, but it would be nice for the setup
to be documented on the mailing-list.) It does not involve running
s6-svscan from your own VT; it involves having a supervision tree
already running (as your user), and starting the Xorg service, e.g.
with a s6-svc -u command, on a given VT, possibly passed to the run
script via a file that your xinit emulation script would fill in
with the output of `tty`.

 If you insist on doing hacky things, you could even probably get away
with something that looks like:

xinit emulation:
tty | sed s:/dev/tty:: > /home/me/.screen-number
s6-supervise /home/me/Xorg &
# small race here that disappears when s6-supervise has already run once
s6-svwait -U /home/me/Xorg
s6-svc -dx /home/me/Xorg


#!/bin/execlineb -P
backtick -E screen { cat /home/me/.screen-number }
export DISPLAY :$screen
X -displayfd 3 :$screen vt$screen

-displayfd is used as a notification mechanism, unblocking s6-svwait
when the X server is ready.

 Hope this helps (and I hope users who actually have done something
similar will share their experience),


Re: s6 xinit replacement?

2022-05-14 Thread dallinjdahl

Guillermo  wrote:
> If the Xorg process does not run as root, the tty specified in the vt
> argument must be its controlling terminal. It works if you run X from
> an interactive shell (perhaps indirectly through 'startx'), because it
> inherits the shell's controlling terminal. It doesn't when run by
> s6-supervise, because s6-supervise executes the 'run' file in a new
> session, so there is no controlling terminal.
> You can see Xorg fail in the same way if you do:
> $ setsid startx
> Using util-linux' setsid(1), or:
> $ execlineb -Pc 'background { s6-setsid startx } exit'
> G.

Is the purpose of executing setsid() in s6-supervise to allow for the
services to continue beyond the termination of the supervision tree?
If that's the case, could there possibly be a flag to disable that,
with the understanding that something like nohup or even s6-setsid would
be necessary to replicate that behavior?  That would enable a non-root
Xorg to be managed by s6.

I don't know if that has any other implications, other than the fact that
it would add a flag to s6-svscan, and maybe to s6-supervise?  I don't
know if that cost is worth it, but I'm also not sure it warrants having
2 projects that duplicate the effort.  Xinit seems to try to do what s6
does, but poorly.
