El sáb, 14 may 2022 a las 22:52, Laurent Bercot escribió:
> [...] it *is* possible to run Xorg under s6; several users are
> doing so, and I hope they will post their setup.

I actually don't run Xorg as a supervised process. I don't know what
systemd-based GNU/Linux distributions do, but on Gentoo with OpenRC,
Xorg is not started by the init system, it is started either by xinit,
or by a display manager, so I kept it that way.

When using startx from an interactive shell:

    1 ?        root     s6-svscan -X3 -- /run/service
  107 ?        root     s6-supervise agetty@tty1
  515 tty1     root      \_ /bin/login --
  560 tty1     guiller+      \_ -bash
  567 tty1     guiller+          \_ /bin/sh /usr/bin/startx
  584 tty1     guiller+              \_ xinit /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc
-- /etc/X11/xinit/xserverrc :0 -auth ...
  585 tty1     guiller+                  \_ /usr/bin/X ...
  589 tty1     guiller+                  \_ /bin/sh /etc/X11/Sessions/openbox
  650 tty1     guiller+                      \_ /usr/bin/openbox --startup ...

When using a display manager (SDDM here):

    1 ?        root     s6-svscan -X3 -- /run/service
  106 ?        root     s6-supervise sddm-daemon
  702 ?        root      \_ sddm
  704 tty7     root          \_ /usr/bin/X ...
  718 ?        root          \_ /usr/libexec/sddm-helper --socket ...
--start /usr/bin/openbox-session ...
  719 ?        guiller+          \_ /usr/bin/openbox --startup ...

So only the getty process and the display manager process are
supervised. I'm not sure if supervising Xorg is worth it. Say that
there is a transient event that makes Xorg crash. X11 clients would
likely die because they lost the connection to the X server, and then
xinit would exit, so the screen would just display a shell prompt
again, or the display manager would just spawn the greeter again, so a
graphical login screen would be displayed. If one is running Xorg, it
is likely because one is running a GUI, right? And if one is running a
GUI, it's probably because one is sitting right in front of the
computer, and one would notice the shell prompt / greeter screen, and
just type ''startx' / log in again. I mean, having a GUI on e.g. a
headless server does not seem very useful.

So I'd also be interested in what others think. (Maybe I should get
into this IRC thing :) , and I think I'll reply to Samuel's post


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