socket-activate is published [was: Re: listen(1)]

2019-02-15 Thread Daniel Kahn Gillmor
Hi folks--

On Wed 2016-08-10 11:58:55 -0400, Daniel Kahn Gillmor wrote:
> The tool is a binary called "listen", which tries to open a series of
> sockets and then exec()'s another command with those file descriptors
> already open.  It adopts a convention for identifying those file
> descriptors from systemd's socket activation features, so that it can be
> used to supervise any daemon that follows the same convention.

Just wanted to let folks on this list know that if you are interested in
this, i've renamed "listen" to "socket-activate", and finally gotten
around to publishing an implementation for broader general consumption.

It's at, and it's a very simple
python3 implementation of the supervisor's side of the sd_listen_fds(3)
convention.  It depends only on python3's stdlib, so while it's not as
minimal as a C implementation would be, it's still pretty lean.

In discussions over on, Guillem Jover
suggested that start-stop-daemon might also be willing to accept
comparable functionality to support the same convention, to enable
support for daemons that use it.

Happy hacking,


Description: PGP signature

Re: Mailing-lists, failing probes, unsubscriptions

2017-11-30 Thread Daniel Kahn Gillmor
On Thu 2017-11-30 22:53:55 +, Laurent Bercot wrote:
>   In the past year, or sometimes at an older time than that, a lot of
> addresses have apparently failed enough probes and been unsubscribed,
> even still working addresses. Only today was it brought to my
> attention.

This kind of mass unsubscription is often due to DMARC.

please see:

for a description of how the mailman folks describe the problem and how
they deal with it.

I think the skarnet lists are probably running ezmlm, i don't know that
toolchain well enough to suggest a way to resolve the issue.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Vim `.swp' files in nosh source tarballs

2017-04-17 Thread Daniel Kahn Gillmor
On Sun 2017-04-16 20:30:24 +0100, Jonathan de Boyne Pollard wrote:
> I purge the directories of these from time to time, as I have just done again.
>  But they tend to very slowly accrue, for one reason or another.  It's not a
> major worry.  Anyway, better that the archive have everything including some
> harmless text editor temporary files than that it have one vital file missing
> because of a wildcard exclusion/deletion, which I have experienced in the 
> past.

I recommend generating release tarballs directly from the code that is
committed to the revision control system. This provides confidence that
the released tarball contains exactly what has been kept track of in
other more detailed ways.

Also, since i'm sure you don't commit editor tmpfiles to your revision
control system, you'll never have this problem again.

if you use git, it's just something like:

git archive --format=tar --prefix=nosh-${versiontag}/ ${versiontag} | gzip 
-n9 > nosh-${versiontag}.tgz



Re: s6, listen(8), etc.

2016-09-05 Thread Daniel Kahn Gillmor
On Mon 2016-09-05 02:48:54 -0400, Jonathan de Boyne Pollard wrote:
> Daniel Kahn Gillmor:
>>  #!/bin/sh
>>  mkdir -p /run/kresd/workdir && \
>>  setfacl -m u:kresd:rwx /run/kresd/workdir && \
>>  cd /run/kresd/workdir && \
>>  exec listen -udp::53 \
>>  -tcp::53 \
>>  -tcp:label=tls:853 \
>>  -unix:label=control,mode=0600:/run/kresd/control \
>>  chpst -u kresd -p 1 \
>>  /usr/sbin/kresd
> start:
>  #!/bin/sh -e
>  install -d -m 0755 -o kresd /run/kresd/workdir
> stop:
>  #!/bin/sh -e
>  rm -r /run/kresd/
> run:
>  #!/bin/nosh
>  udp-socket-listen --systemd-compatibility --combine4and6 :: domain
>  tcp-socket-listen --systemd-compatibility --combine4and6 --backlog 2 
> :: domain
>  local-datagram-socket-listen --systemd-compatibility --mode 0666 
> /run/kresd/query.socket
>  local-stream-socket-listen --systemd-compatibility --mode 0600 
> /run/kresd/control
>   ./service
> service:
>  #!/bin/nosh
>  chdir /run/kresd/workdir
>  softlimit -p 1
>  setuidgid kresd
>  kresd

Thanks, this looks pretty cool.

a couple caveats:

 * i don't see where the label for the sockets is passed in.  how is the
   daemon supposed to know whether to listen on the tcp socket using TLS
   or not?  How is it supposed to know whether the unix domain socket is
   for control or for recursive DNS queries?

 * it looks like this will result in a chain of proceses: nosh → nosh →
   kresd, rather than a single process due to the lack of exec.  or am i
   misunderstanding nosh?

I see you've got debian packages available for nosh, but they aren't in
debian proper.  have you considered putting them into debian?


Description: PGP signature

Re: s6, listen(8), etc.

2016-09-01 Thread Daniel Kahn Gillmor
I think we might be approaching diminishing returns on this thread, so
please don't take offense if i don't reply too much beyond this.  I do
appreciate your taking the time to document your thought process here,
though.  thanks!

A couple minor comments:

On Thu 2016-09-01 08:34:18 -0400, Laurent Bercot wrote:
>   I agree with this principle entirely. This is good design. The question
> now becomes: how does the daemon know what fd corresponds to what use?
>   The simplest, natural answer, used for instance by UCSPI clients and
> servers, is: the fd numbers are hardcoded, they're a part of the daemon
> interface and that should be documented.
>   So, in your example, the kresd documentation should say something like:
>   - fd 3 must be a datagram socket, that's where kresd will read its
> UDP DNS queries from.
>   - fds 4 and 5 must be listening stream sockets, that's where kresd will
> read its TCP DNS queries from. kresd use two sockets for this in order to
> allow one of them to be set up over TLS.
>   - fd 6 must be a listening Unix domain stream socket, that's where kresd
> will read its control messages from.

This doesn't allow for the creation of multiple different sockets
e.g. for a daemon expected to listen on distinct IPv6 and IPv4
addresses, but not on all available addresses.

>   LISTEN_FD_MAP=udp=3,tcp=4,tls=5,control=6

I'd want the map the other way around: from number to use case, if i was
going to go for a re-design like this, though i suppose it's roughly
equivalent to have udp=3,udp=4,tcp=5 as long as you don't mind having
repeated keys.  but meh, this is basically equivalent.

>   Or does it? The API still constrains you: even if you can provide labels,
> you still don't send a map, you send a number of fds and a list of labels.
> So you still have to make sure the fds you send are 3, 4, 5, 6 ! And
> if your "listen" program happens to have fd 3 open when it's launched
> (and there may be very good reasons to have some fd already open when you
> run a daemon), well, it has to overwrite it with the udp socket it opens,
> because that's what the API forces you to do. If I want the daemon to run
> with some open fd that's not explicitly passed via LISTEN_FDS (for instance
> if the daemon doesn't have to know it has it open) then I have to make sure
> that my fd is at least 3+$LISTEN_FDS. Talk about unwieldy.

this seems no more unwieldy (probably less unwieldy) than the convention
to always use FD 6 and FD 7.  what if i wanted to have some other fd
open on those numbers for some other reason?  i'd have to move it out of
the way to use the s6 convention.  Note that i'm not claiming this is
terrible, it's only a minor hassle.  but it's the same minor hassle as
what you're describing here, no?

>   And from the daemon's side? it has to parse the contents of $LISTEN_FDNAMES,
> which is a colon-separated list of labels; that's not really easier than
> parsing my suggested LISTEN_FD_MAP string.

right, it's equivalent.

>   So, LISTEN_FDS doesn't know if it wants to pass a list of hardcoded fd
> numbers, or a map with labels; it ends up doing a bit of both, badly, and
> getting the worst of both worlds.

eh?  on the contrary: if your daemon doesn't need to distinguish between
any of its sockets -- if all sockets are standard listening sockets
(it can still inspect the socket itself to distinguish between datagram
and stream) then it doesn't care about anything but LISTEN_FDs.

If the daemon receives some sockets (like a local control socket) that
need to be treated differently, then it needs to look at the map.  Your
proposed LISTEN_FD_MAP looks precisely equivalent to LISTEN_FDNAMES for
this purpose, with only minor syntactic differences.  The non-syntactic
difference, of course, is that multiple daemons written and running
today actually already know how to parse LISTEN_FDNAMES, whether because
they link to libsystemd or do the simple parsing themselves.  if
LISTEN_FD_MAP had gotten there first, i would have made listen(8)
implement that labeling scheme.

>   Oh, and I haven't entirely given up my argument of political agenda.
> The only reason you could have for designing such a whimsical interface,
> apart from obvious lack of experience in software design, is to encourage
> daemon authors to use the sd_listen_fds_with_names() interface (and so,
> link against libsystemd), because it's too painful to fully implement it
> yourself as a daemon author - you have to handle the case when
> LISTEN_FD_NAMES is set, the case when it's not set, etc. etc.

(i don't think that baseless slights against the authors of other
software advance your cause here) on the technical merits, i really
don't see it as difficult as you're making it out to be.  When this
convention is in use, your daemon already knows whether it needs to
parse LISTEN_FDNAMES, or whether it can get away with just looking at
LISTEN_FDS.  in any case, both will be set.  And there is absolutely no
need to link against libsystemd.

Re: s6, listen(8), etc. (was: [PATCH 1/3] correct typo)

2016-08-30 Thread Daniel Kahn Gillmor
On Tue 2016-08-30 12:25:37 -0400, Laurent Bercot wrote:
> On 30/08/2016 15:20, Daniel Kahn Gillmor wrote:
>> i assume you mean .  thanks for the
>> pointer.  I'm looking at that, and it looks like s6's preferred form of
>> user contact is via github (i've just submitted a trivial pull request).
>   Um, not at all. If the homepage gave you that impression, then it's not
> clear enough and I should add a note to it. I only use github as a mirror
> for source browsing and downloading.

Well, your earlier e-mail suggested that you don't like reading patches
on mailing lists, and there were two other pull requests that had
already been closed so i made the (apparently wrong) inference.  sorry
for the confusion.

>   The preferred form of user contact for s6 is through this list - you're
> in the right place. :) What did you want to send a PR about?

it's a bugfix to the web page for s6-ioconnect:

>   Please don't use the term "socket activation": it is a systemd buzzword
> with vague and confusing semantics. See

Thanks, once i make it past the angry words, this page has some
interesting ideas to work from.  The timing and privilege separation
aspects are still not clear to me yet, but that'll probably come in

>   Daemons that use shared state in RAM generally open their sockets
> themselves.

well, sure.  they also generally daemonize themselves, which is (quite
reasonably) discouraged under a runit or s6 style architecture, though.
And ones that listen on "privileged" ports (below 1024), or who need to
open listening sockets in places that they themselves wouldn't be able
to create sockets generally start as root and then drop privileges after
opening sockets.  some of them don't always drop privileges very
successfully, either :/

I'm looking for supervisors that help me avoid some of that stuff.
systemd is one; runit is another; so (potentially) is s6.

> In any case, I'll probably update s6-ipcserver-socketbinder so it's
> usable with more types of sockets.

cool, thanks!

>   I'm very interested in sharing thoughts about that, but you'll
> probably find that I'm *extremely* reluctant to yield an inch when
> negotiating with ideas and protocols that come from systemd

i'm sorry to hear you're so inflexible about this, but that's your call,
i guess.

> while being open to ideas for improving daemon management under Unix;
> and most of those ideas have been floating around - and sometimes
> implemented in supervision suites - since before systemd was a
> thing. ;)

yep, we're all learning from each other, hopefully.

At any rate the LISTEN_FDS convention of how to pass labeled file
descriptors via a small number of environment variables requires no
systemd code whatsoever, and it's described in a relatively simple
document.  It's a reasonable improvement in flexibility over the
convention of one-pipe-per-process, I/O on 6+7 and 0+1, and it's not
particularly hard to implement.  So i'm hoping that it'll find a taker
in one of these more toolkit-style supervisor suites.

thanks for the discussion,


Re: [PATCH 1/3] correct typo

2016-08-30 Thread Daniel Kahn Gillmor
On Tue 2016-08-30 07:15:20 -0400, Laurent Bercot wrote:
>   Oh, yes, sorry, you even wrote a message (about a listen(1) command)
> not too long ago :)

Yes, indeed.  That program is now halfway done, and i am hoping to share
it with people who might be interested.

>   (Shameless plug: in the meantime, you could take a look at runit's
> cousin, s6. ;))

i assume you mean .  thanks for the
pointer.  I'm looking at that, and it looks like s6's preferred form of
user contact is via github (i've just submitted a trivial pull request).

It doesn't seem to do what i'm proposing with listen(8), though, and
listen doesn't quite fit there.  For one thing, the socket activation it
provides doesn't seem to provide for any shared state between concurrent
connections without using the filesystem.  Maybe that's a plus, but i
don't know of many daemons built to work that way -- they often have
shared state directly in RAM, where it's arguably more straightforward
to synchronize complex data structures (i'm sure you could do something
clever with mmapped files and/or ipc, but i'd have to think about the
locking/synchronization stuff there a lot more).

Anyway, thanks for the pointers.  it looks to me like my proposed
listen(8) seems to bridge the gap between the daemontools family and the
standard daemons that people will want to deploy (which are being
updated for systemd) slightly more closely with runit than with s6, but
if you're interested in thinking that kind of gap-bridging through with
me, i'm certainly interested.



Description: PGP signature

Re: [PATCH 1/3] correct typo

2016-08-30 Thread Daniel Kahn Gillmor
On Tue 2016-08-30 04:55:19 -0400, Laurent Bercot wrote:
>   Please avoid sending patches to this list with git-send-email, or at
> least please provide a 0/n introductory message to give context. This
> list is read by humans.

I'm a human, and i read this list :)

I will be happy to send a 0/n introductory message (git send-email
--compose) for any future proposed series, i was not aware that was the
custom here.  Indeed, i wrote this series because i could find no clear
instructions for how to propose improvements to runit's codebase.

This series is a set of minor changes to improve the web presence for
runit and to make it clearer how to contribute code.

Alternately, if there's a better way to propose changes than sending
mail to this list, i'd be happy to rewrite code.html to document it, but
i don't know what it is.

Perhaps an additional patch to the proposed doc/code.html to add the
--compose argument to git send-email would make that clearer.

If i were to do that, would you prefer i send a new series of patches
(rebased against master so that they apply directly) or a new follow-on
patch to this series ("4/3", as it were) that just adds the --compose
argument to the example of how to send patches?



Description: PGP signature

[PATCH 2/3] document how to get the source code and send changes

2016-08-29 Thread Daniel Kahn Gillmor
 doc/code.html  | 47 +++
 doc/index.html |  1 +
 2 files changed, 48 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 doc/code.html

diff --git a/doc/code.html b/doc/code.html
new file mode 100644
index 000..ca3b32e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/code.html
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+runit - Hacking on runit
+;>G. Pape
+runit - Hacking on runit
+The source code for runit is currently tracked in
+;>the git revision control system,
+which is likely available for your operating system.  When you
+have git installed, you can check out the development version
+of the code with:
+  $ git clone
+If you have made changes that you want to contribute back
+to runit, please send them to;>the project mailing list.
+If you want to use git send-email to send your changes to the
+list, please:
+;>subscribe to the list,
+;>configure git
+ send-email, and
+ from within your runit/ source directory, do:
+ $ git config
+When you have committed patches to your local repository that you want
+to propose for inclusion, you can now send them to the list with:
+ $ git send-email origin/master
+Happy hacking!
+Gerrit Pape
diff --git a/doc/index.html b/doc/index.html
index 85bb01b..4f401b9 100644
--- a/doc/index.html
+++ b/doc/index.html
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
 How to install runit
 Upgrading from previous versions of runit
+Hacking on runit
 How to replace init

[PATCH 3/3] move http links to https

2016-08-29 Thread Daniel Kahn Gillmor
 doc/benefits.html|  6 +++---
 doc/chpst.8.html |  2 +-
 doc/index.html   | 12 ++--
 doc/install.html |  2 +-
 doc/replaceinit.html |  6 +++---
 doc/runscripts.html  |  2 +-
 man/chpst.8  |  2 +-
 package/CHANGES  |  6 +++---
 8 files changed, 19 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/benefits.html b/doc/benefits.html
index b1687d9..24f667b 100644
--- a/doc/benefits.html
+++ b/doc/benefits.html
@@ -148,12 +148,12 @@ They normally are shell scripts, and an operating system 
distribution with
 software package management should adapt these scripts if they need support
 for their package management.
 Debian package is an attempt to integrate runit into
-;>Debian GNU/Linux as an alternative to
+;>Debian GNU/Linux as an alternative to
 the default
 Stage 2 is packaging friendly:
diff --git a/doc/chpst.8.html b/doc/chpst.8.html
index 97d90f2..ebc7944 100644
--- a/doc/chpst.8.html
+++ b/doc/chpst.8.html
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ package respectively.
 sv(8), runsv(8), setsid(2), runit(8), 
 runsvdir(8), runsvchdir(8)
 Gerrit Pape 
diff --git a/doc/index.html b/doc/index.html
index 4f401b9..d6a9acb 100644
--- a/doc/index.html
+++ b/doc/index.html
@@ -128,17 +128,17 @@ I recommend doing this; for instructions, see
 The following distributions are known to include or package runit:
 Debian GNU/Linux (as alternative init scheme)
 Ubuntu (as alternative init scheme)
 Linux from Scratch
@@ -245,11 +245,11 @@ minit - a small yet feature-complete init
 svscan as process 1 - by Paul Jarc;>
 sysvinit - source code
 FreeBSD's init - CVS repository;>
 NetBSD's init - CVS repository
 OpenBSD's init - CVS repository;>
 Linux Boot Scripts - by Richard Gooch
diff --git a/doc/install.html b/doc/install.html
index fb3b2c4..f6b7824 100644
--- a/doc/install.html
+++ b/doc/install.html
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 runit - installation
 runit installs into
 If you don't have a /package directory, create it now:
  # mkdir -p /package
diff --git a/doc/replaceinit.html b/doc/replaceinit.html
index 70f6f7d..5e4c3f7 100644
--- a/doc/replaceinit.html
+++ b/doc/replaceinit.html
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 Replacing sysvinit (GNU/Linux)
 Follow these steps to migrate from sysvinit to runit on
-;>Debian GNU/Linux (woody).
+;>Debian GNU/Linux (woody).
 The /sbin/init binary is not replaced until step 6, runit is
 the default Unix process no 1 after step 7.
@@ -128,8 +128,8 @@ To report success:
 Replacing init (*BSD)
 Follow these steps to migrate from init to runit on
-;>OpenBSD 2.9 or
-;>FreeBSD 4.4.
+;>OpenBSD 2.9 or
+;>FreeBSD 4.4.
 The /sbin/init binary is not replaced until step 4.
 Step 1: The three stages
 runit looks for the three stages implementing the system's
diff --git a/doc/runscripts.html b/doc/runscripts.html
index f832b63..9cc4329 100644
--- a/doc/runscripts.html
+++ b/doc/runscripts.html
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 This is a collection of run scripts for popular services to have
 them monitored by the
-;>daemontools or
+;>daemontools or;>runit package.
 If you have additional run scripts or one of these run scripts works for you on
 an operating system not stated here, please
diff --git a/man/chpst.8 b/man/chpst.8
index 43c0b8d..3402708 100644
--- a/man/chpst.8
+++ b/man/chpst.8

listen(1): proposed addition to the runit suite

2016-08-10 Thread Daniel Kahn Gillmor
Hi Gerrit and other runit folks--

I'm working on a new tool that i think would fit well with runit, and i
was wondering if there is any interest in it as a contribution to the
runit suite.

The tool is a binary called "listen", which tries to open a series of
sockets and then exec()'s another command with those file descriptors
already open.  It adopts a convention for identifying those file
descriptors from systemd's socket activation features, so that it can be
used to supervise any daemon that follows the same convention.

I've attached a rough draft of the documentation for the proposed
utility -- my code doesn't implement the whole thing yet, and it's not
yet styled for inclusion in runit.  But if you think it'd be useful as
part of the runit suite, i'd be happy to try to implement it following
the runit conventions.

Also: is there a public revision control system for runit?  I've fetched
the tarballs but some of the info in the tarballs looks like it might be
generated from git (e.g. "chpst -V" produces something that looks like a
git commit id).  I'd be happy to supply changes as patches against a
canonical git repo, if there is one.

The draft of listen(1)'s man page (in markdown format) follows.

Feedback welcome,




listen [socketinfo ...] prog

where *socketinfo* is of the form:



The `listen` program opens the requested sockets and then execs *prog*
with those file descriptors open.  The first requested socket will be
opened on file descriptor 3, and subsequent ones follow in order.

*prog* is the first argument that does not start with a `-`.

*family* can be one of several different values.

For the following values of *family*, if *address* is a single decimal
number, it is treated as a port number and listen will bind to all
available addresses on that port.  If *address* contains a /, the part
before the / is interpreted as a network address of the requested
family, and the part after the / is treated as a port number.

tcp: TCP on IPv4 and/or IPv6
udp: UDP on IPv4 and/or IPv6

For the following values of *family*, *address* is interpreted as a
filesystem path.

unix: Unix-domain streaming socket
unix-dgram: Unix-domain datagram socket


Each *socketinfo* can have 0 or more options appended to it, separated
by the comma character (,) with their value appended after an equals
sign (=).

Available options are:

backlog: Maximum queue for pending connections (see listen(2) --
 defaults to SOMAXCONN).

mode: octal mode for unix-domain socket (defaults to relying on

user: a numeric User ID value for unix-domain socket ownership

group: a numeric Group ID value for unix-domain socket ownership


`listen` exits 100 when called with unparseable options.  It prints an
error message to stderr and exits 11 if it cannot successfully bind
all of the requested sockets.  Otherwise, its exit code is the same as
that of *prog*.


`listen` stores the number of opened file descriptors in the
environment variable `$LISTEN_FDS`, sets `$LISTEN_PID` to getpid(2),
and stores the list of colon-separated labels in `$LISTEN_FDNAMES`.

These environment variables follow the convention understood by
libsystemd (see sd_listen_fds(3)) so it should be usable with any
socket-activated daemon that expects this behavior.

If '$VERBOSE' is set, listen will write details of what it is doing to


Run a webserver as a non-privileged user, using privileged ports, and
indicating to the webserver which ports should offer HTTPS:

listen -tcp::80 -tcp:tls:443 chpst -u httpd webserver

Run a foregrounded (supervised) pulseaudio daemon:

listen -unix::/run/user/1000/pulse/native,backlog=5 pulseaudio --daemonize=no

Run a network daemon only on the loopback:

listen -tcp:: network-daemon

Run a public-facing network daemon with a local socket for the local
administrator to control it:

listen -tcp::443 -unix:control:/run/xyz/control,user=1000,mode=0600 xyzd


`listen` does not do any sort of name-to-number resolution: network
addresses, user ids, group ids, and port numbers must all be specified
numerically.  Hostnames, user names, group names, service names are
not interpreted.

`listen` cannot create unix-domain socket filenames that contain a
comma (,).

`listen` produces its error messages in english and is not


listen(2), chpst(8), sd_listen_fds(3), umask(2)


Daniel Kahn Gillmor <>

Description: PGP signature