Re: s6-rc user services on Gentoo
I have been using `--print-pid=3` as readiness notification for dbus-daemon for quite a while now on my user services and I haven't had any problems with it so far. IIRC, looking at dbus-daemon code, it actually prints the socket address first then its pid. So, I use the `--print-address=` option to save the socket address to a file for consumption by s6-envdir. Interesting. But it's also an implementation detail, because dbus-daemon could print its pid at any time, no matter its readiness state. That's why I chose to go with --print-address - but of course reading the code instead of speculating is the right thing to do :) -- Laurent
Re: s6-rc user services on Gentoo
On Sat, Apr 6, 2024, 19:43 Guillermo wrote: > But then, there is a problem if one actually wants the server address > information that --print-address provides. Alexis' 'run' script for > example wants to save that to a file (apparently in a directory > suitable for s6-envdir). If the output is sent to the notification > pipe instead, s6-supervise will 'eat' it while waiting for the final > newline character, and then the information is lost. > > And more generally, there's also the question about how 'ready' > dbus-daemon actually is when the point in its code that prints the > server address is reached. I can't really say without looking at the > code; dbus-daemon has many duties once its UNIX domain socket is > bound. > > G. > I have been using `--print-pid=3` as readiness notification for dbus-daemon for quite a while now on my user services and I haven't had any problems with it so far. IIRC, looking at dbus-daemon code, it actually prints the socket address first then its pid. So, I use the `--print-address=` option to save the socket address to a file for consumption by s6-envdir. >
Re: s6-rc user services on Gentoo
But then, there is a problem if one actually wants the server address information that --print-address provides. Alexis' 'run' script for example wants to save that to a file (apparently in a directory suitable for s6-envdir). If the output is sent to the notification pipe instead, s6-supervise will 'eat' it while waiting for the final newline character, and then the information is lost. That is true. The option is only usable as readiness notification if you don't otherwise need the information. And more generally, there's also the question about how 'ready' dbus-daemon actually is when the point in its code that prints the server address is reached. I can't really say without looking at the code; dbus-daemon has many duties once its UNIX domain socket is bound. That doesn't matter. The important thing with readiness is that clients need to be able to send messages to the daemon. As soon as the socket is bound, it's okay; if the daemon hasn't finished initializing yet, then that's what kernel socket buffers are for. Of course, if the daemon still needs to allocate resources and can *fail* after binding the socket and printing the line, that's not good, but well, it's a balance between reliability and simplicity. -- Laurent
Re: s6-rc user services on Gentoo
El mié, 3 abr 2024 a las 8:37, Laurent Bercot escribió: > > >2) The presence of a notification-fd file tells s6 that dbus-daemon > >can be somehow coerced into producing an s6-style readiness > >notification using file descriptor 3 without changing its code, are > >you sure that's the case with this script? My service definition for > >the system-wide message bus polls for readiness using s6-notifyoncheck > >and a dbus-send command... > > "dbus-daemon --print-address=3" should produce a suitable notification. > The address of the bus can only be printed once the bus exists. :) But then, there is a problem if one actually wants the server address information that --print-address provides. Alexis' 'run' script for example wants to save that to a file (apparently in a directory suitable for s6-envdir). If the output is sent to the notification pipe instead, s6-supervise will 'eat' it while waiting for the final newline character, and then the information is lost. And more generally, there's also the question about how 'ready' dbus-daemon actually is when the point in its code that prints the server address is reached. I can't really say without looking at the code; dbus-daemon has many duties once its UNIX domain socket is bound. G.
Re: s6-rc user services on Gentoo
2) The presence of a notification-fd file tells s6 that dbus-daemon can be somehow coerced into producing an s6-style readiness notification using file descriptor 3 without changing its code, are you sure that's the case with this script? My service definition for the system-wide message bus polls for readiness using s6-notifyoncheck and a dbus-send command... "dbus-daemon --print-address=3" should produce a suitable notification. The address of the bus can only be printed once the bus exists. :) -- Laurent
Re: s6-rc user services on Gentoo
Guillermo writes: 1) Why are you telling dbus-daemon to --fork? That defeats the purpose of service supervision. The service definition for the system-wide message bus that I have on a Gentoo VM of mine with s6 + s6-rc + s6-linux-init uses --nofork. 2) The presence of a notification-fd file tells s6 that dbus-daemon can be somehow coerced into producing an s6-style readiness notification using file descriptor 3 without changing its code, are you sure that's the case with this script? My service definition for the system-wide message bus polls for readiness using s6-notifyoncheck and a dbus-send command... These are both very reasonable questions, with the same answer: i hadn't got as far as actually properly setting up the services yet, but was merely creating 'placeholders' to (as i described in my email to Hoël) get the basic overall setup working. So the `dbus-daemon` command is literally just copy-and-pasted from what i currently use in my .zlogin to start a session bus. My apologies; i should have made this clear in my original post. Re. 1, i'm certainly aware that forking is undesirable in this context; cf. a comment of mine i posted yesterday, the second one in this comments section: Re. 2, off the top of my head, i imagine you're correct; i haven't yet thought about it / looked at it in any detail. Most of the content is from around 2017, a time in which the s6 suite was less known, information in places other than the website was lacking and inaccurate —despite official documentation, while being short and to the point, has always been quite good and complete IMO; it seemed people just didn't bother reading it? [1]—, and there weren't many usage examples around. [1] I think I never said it, but what made me look at s6 for the first time (s6-rc and s6-linux-init didn't exist back then), after seeing a post in the Gentoo forums, was its documentation ("OK, nice explanations, let's try this"). *nod* Fair enough! Yeah, as i wrote in the first comment in the comments section i linked to above: [A]s someone who spends a lot of time writing and maintaining documentation, i know that people apparently don't like reading the documentation. :-) At the same time, i know that many people (including myself!) can sometimes struggle to "put all the pieces" together (either properly, or at all), even with excellent reference docs (as in the case of s6), in the absence of some basic, concrete, "actual implementation" examples. Like, the mdoc(7) man page is excellent and comprehensive, but to help people to get a sense of how easy it can be to use mdoc(7) in practice, and hopefully encourage them to use it, i wrote a quickstart guide: Which is the sort of thing i'm hoping to do for s6-rc. :-) Alexis.
Re: s6-rc user services on Gentoo
Hi Hoël, Thanks for your reply! Hoël Bézier writes: I feel you. IRC without bouncer is not always great for getting help on some topics. ^^’ :-) Yeah, most of the time that i'm on IRC - which is rarely nowadays, due to the aforementioned "lots on my plate" issue - it's usually to try to offer help to others, rather than asking for help myself, where having a working bouncer is much less of an issue. Are you planning on having your user services supervisor itself supervised? And if so, by OpenRC or another instance of s6-svscan? Just asking out of curiosity. i hadn't really thought much about that, as i've been focusing on simply trying to understand the basics and get them working. My initial thinking is that i'd start by setting up the user services tree from .zlogin, i.e. the s6-svscan process itself would be unsupervised. Part of the reason for doing so is that, at this point, i primarily want to be using s6-rc to be able to manually restart user services in various situations (e.g. config changes), with service availability being secondary to that. But another part of the reason is that, in these contexts, i generally work best from the bottom-up, starting from what i consider to be the 'core' and then 'working outwards' from that. (Yes, i know that's not always the most appropriate approach, particularly in contexts where security topics are inherently part of the 'core', and can't just be "bolted on" afterwards. i don't feel this is particularly the case here.) i guess i'd probably want OpenRC supervising the user s6-svscan process, mainly because, at this point, i'd like to keep using OpenRC on my Gentoo system overall: since a lot of my volunteer tech work involves providing support to others and writing/maintaining documentation, it's useful to keep my own system fundamentally similar to what others are running. Your scandir and your service definitions are the same directory, which they should not be. You currently have: * service_definitions="${xdg_data_home}/s6-rc/services" * compiled_services="${xdg_state_home}/s6-rc/compiled" * scandir="${xdg_data_home}/s6-rc/services" * livedir="${xdg_runtime_dir}/s6-rc" However service definitions can not be used as a scandir: if your services are to be managed by s6-rc they should not be present at start in your scandir but should be added there by s6-rc-init. That’s why s6-rc-init complains about files already existing: it tries to create a symlink in the scandir pointing to the services it’s managing but it can’t because the service are already present in the scandir. Ah! Now i get it. Thank you. :-) i'm not sure how my reading of the s6-rc-init documentation led me to this; i'll need to review it, so that i can perhaps offer some changes/additions. :-) Moreover, had you had any oneshots in your service definition directory, I think s6-svscan would have simply failed to start, or complained about directories containing no service (oneshots are not supervised by s6-svscan, because there’s nothing to supervise in them, so it doesn’t know about them). *nod* What you should have is: * service_definitions="${xdg_data_home}/s6-rc/services" * compiled_services="${xdg_state_home}/s6-rc/compiled" * scandir="${xdg_runtime_dir}/services" * livedir="${xdg_runtime_dir}/s6-rc" Your scandir should be in your runtime dir because it does not contain data but the current running configuration of your system. It can be an empty directory when you start s6-svscan, there is nothing wrong with that. s6-rc will populate it according to the compiled services you feed him. *nod* Thanks for all this, it's been very helpful! You can see my own outdated s6-rc system service definitions at: * and my (also outdated) s6-rc user tree service definitions at: * i'll definitely take a look! (resending this to the list as I only replied to Alexis, sorry Alexis for the double send.) No worries. :-) Alexis.
Re: s6-rc user services on Gentoo
Hello, El mar, 2 abr 2024 a las 1:42, Alexis escribió: > > > S6RC_SERVICE_REPO=${HOME}/src/srht/gentoo-overlay/sys-apps/s6-rc-services/files/ > > * The above directory contains two service directories: > ** dbus-session-bus/, containing: > *** type: longrun > *** notification-fd: 3 > *** producer-for: dbus-session-bus-log > *** run: > #!/usr/bin/execlineb -P > importas HOME HOME > redirfd -w 4 ${HOME}/.env.d/DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS > dbus-daemon --session --fork --nopidfile --print-address=4 You already got an answer about why s6-rc-init doesn't work (the scan directory and the directory of service definitions given to s6-rc-compile should not be the same; let s6-rc-init populate the service directory). I'd like to comment on what you didn't ask :) 1) Why are you telling dbus-daemon to --fork? That defeats the purpose of service supervision. The service definition for the system-wide message bus that I have on a Gentoo VM of mine with s6 + s6-rc + s6-linux-init uses --nofork. 2) The presence of a notification-fd file tells s6 that dbus-daemon can be somehow coerced into producing an s6-style readiness notification using file descriptor 3 without changing its code, are you sure that's the case with this script? My service definition for the system-wide message bus polls for readiness using s6-notifyoncheck and a dbus-send command... > [a] The current s6 and s6-rc pages on the wiki have lot of detail, > without any "quickstart" tutorials that might make it easy for > people to get on board. Most of the content is from around 2017, a time in which the s6 suite was less known, information in places other than the website was lacking and inaccurate —despite official documentation, while being short and to the point, has always been quite good and complete IMO; it seemed people just didn't bother reading it? [1]—, and there weren't many usage examples around. [1] I think I never said it, but what made me look at s6 for the first time (s6-rc and s6-linux-init didn't exist back then), after seeing a post in the Gentoo forums, was its documentation ("OK, nice explanations, let's try this").
Re: s6-rc user services on Gentoo
Hi, (resending this to the list as I only replied to Alexis, sorry Alexis for the double send.) Am Tue, Apr 02, 2024 at 03:42:06PM +1100 schrieb Alexis: Hi all, Laurent has suggested i ask on IRC about this, but since (a) i'm in UTC+10, (b) i'm constantly moving between a few different networks, and (c) my bouncer is currently out of action (it's a Story), i thought i'd ask on these lists instead, to facilitate asynchronous replies. :-) I feel you. IRC without bouncer is not always great for getting help on some topics. ^^’ [snip] i've had a lot on my plate for a while, but in more recent times i've had a bit more space to faff around with lower-priority stuff, and so i'm exploring setting up s6-rc to manage the user services i need. Once i've done so, i can: * write a guide on the Gentoo wiki[a]; and * provide service definitions for others to use via my personal overlay[b]. which might help more people to become familiar with the s6 ecosystem in general, and with s6-rc in particular (rather than trying to use s6 for service management as well as supervision). Are you planning on having your user services supervisor itself supervised? And if so, by OpenRC or another instance of s6-svscan? Just asking out of curiosity. However, i've reached an impasse, and i'm hoping some can tell me what i'm missing / what i'm doing wrong / what i'm misunderstanding. [snip] * SCANDIR="${XDG_DATA_HOME}/s6-rc/services" * The above directory contains symlinks to ${S6RC_SERVICE_REPO}/{dbus-session-bus,dbus-session-bus-log} * S6RC_COMPILED="${XDG_STATE_HOME}/s6-rc/compiled" * Running: s6-rc-compile "${S6RC_COMPILED}" "${SCANDIR}" completes successfully. * Running s6-svscan -- "${SCANDIR}" succeeds, with two s6-supervise processes created. * HOWEVER, running s6-rc-init -c "${S6RC_COMPILED}" -l "${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}/s6-rc" "${SCANDIR}" fails, with the error message: unable to supervise service directories in /run/user/1000/s6-rc/servicedirs: File exists Your scandir and your service definitions are the same directory, which they should not be. You currently have: * service_definitions="${xdg_data_home}/s6-rc/services" * compiled_services="${xdg_state_home}/s6-rc/compiled" * scandir="${xdg_data_home}/s6-rc/services" * livedir="${xdg_runtime_dir}/s6-rc" However service definitions can not be used as a scandir: if your services are to be managed by s6-rc they should not be present at start in your scandir but should be added there by s6-rc-init. That’s why s6-rc-init complains about files already existing: it tries to create a symlink in the scandir pointing to the services it’s managing but it can’t because the service are already present in the scandir. Moreover, had you had any oneshots in your service definition directory, I think s6-svscan would have simply failed to start, or complained about directories containing no service (oneshots are not supervised by s6-svscan, because there’s nothing to supervise in them, so it doesn’t know about them). What you should have is: * service_definitions="${xdg_data_home}/s6-rc/services" * compiled_services="${xdg_state_home}/s6-rc/compiled" * scandir="${xdg_runtime_dir}/services" * livedir="${xdg_runtime_dir}/s6-rc" Your scandir should be in your runtime dir because it does not contain data but the current running configuration of your system. It can be an empty directory when you start s6-svscan, there is nothing wrong with that. s6-rc will populate it according to the compiled services you feed him. i've taken a look at s6rc_livedir_create.c: but nothing is leaping out to me as explaining what's happening. Thoughts? Alexis. [a] The current s6 and s6-rc pages on the wiki have lot of detail, without any "quickstart" tutorials that might make it easy for people to get on board. A while ago i did a big restructure of the s6 article: which i feel improves the current page: but which has been awaiting review by a more senior wiki editor than me. The s6-rc page is similarly detailed and similarly lacking a "quickstart": Yeah, these definitely don’t help as much as they should, it’s a good thing someone decides on improving them, thanks for that. :) [b] Various people are providing s6 service definitions, e.g., but i'm not currently aware of any providing s6-rc service definitions - pointers welcome. :-) You can see my own outdated s6-rc system service definitions at: * and my (also outdated) s6-rc user tree service definitions at: * Hoël signature.asc Description: PGP signature