At 18-11-2003, out of the blue,  an email from Dave Hooper entitled
   'Re: [freenet-support] minor bug webinstaller'
      surprised me with:

Could you tell me under what circumstances the webinstaller will try to
overwrite itself while running please?  I see this only happening if you
first download the webinstaller into the freenet application folder, and
then run it, which is not really intended.  If that is what you do (and if
it is indeed common) then maybe I'll code for that behaviour.  This
intention is kinda that you just run (rather than download-and-save) the

I don't understand what you mean, like, the installer is started remotely?

It happens when I've got the webinstaller in its default place (I guess), in the Freenet dir, and run 'Update Snapshot' from the startmenu.
I don't have my Freenet installation on C:, but on the second of quite a few partitions.

If I copy the installer into a subdir and run it by starting the .exe, there is no trouble.

BTW: the installer offers me as the only option to install 'Freenet Node', Space required 2.0 KB it sais, and then apparently gets the entire installation. Also not what you intend to show I reckon.
For one like me with cable it's no problem to download a couple of megabytes but those with slower pipes won't be happy.
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