On Thu, Jan 08, 2004 at 09:29:35AM -0600, Chris wrote:
> I used to use Freenet on a dialup modem with only my OpenBSD firewall/NAT 
> box between me and the internet (my ISP just did straight packet passing, 
> back then). This was 1999-2000-ish :)
> Back then, Freenet and fproxy were CLI only, but despite a slight lack of 
> content it worked pretty well and felt fairly snappy in response to 
> requests for data (either you got it within a few minutes, or you didn't 
> get it at all, and inserts almost always seemed to work). There were no 
> directories, but there were ways to find content, and I could publish and 
> retrieve stuff when  I wanted to, with a bit of patience.
> I just got back into Freenet in 2004 with broadband and the nifty new 
> windows GUI, and I'm sort of amazed that Freenet really seems to 
> be... gone. Content is inaccessible, inserts are usually non-working, and 
> despite the purty GUI, it really seems to be 95% nonfunctional, unlike the 
> freenet that I remember from just a few years ago.
> I guess what this boils down to is ->
> - Is Freenet choking hardcore, or do I have technical issues? I'd love to 
> run a node now that I'm up 24x7.
> - I'm root on my firewall/NAT box, but I have another firewall and another 
> NAT appliance of some kind upstream of me now, and I have no control over 
> these. Any kind of stateful connection works great, and UDP works as well, 
> but inbound stateless requests (FTP, DCC, etc) get eaten at the ISP's NAT 
> box. I don't think I can do anything about that. I don't know anything 
> about freenet's protocols, but I can't imagine that they're stateless?

You will not be able to run an effective permanent node if you can't
accpet incoming connections on the listenPort :(
> Any insight appreciated :) Thank you.
> --Chris  (SYN! ACK!)
Matthew J Toseland - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Freenet Project Official Codemonkey - http://freenetproject.org/
ICTHUS - Nothing is impossible. Our Boss says so.

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