> I tried to install freenet on an old AMD K6 300 Mhz - PC (debian, blackdown
java, both newest versions).
> However, I get this error when starting freenet:
> Jun 4, 2005 12:46:52 PM (freenet.node.Node, main, ERROR): Encountered an 
> unexpe$
> java.io.IOException: Value too large for defined data type
>         at sun.nio.ch.FileChannelImpl.lock0(Native Method)
>         at sun.nio.ch.FileChannelImpl.tryLock(FileChannelImpl.java:803)
>         at java.nio.channels.FileChannel.tryLock(FileChannel.java:967)
>         at freenet.node.Node.init(Node.java:3591)
>         at freenet.node.Main.main(Main.java:476)
> What should I do? Is that already a new freenet-version? (downloaded 
> yesterday)

Hmm, probably a Blackdown NIO issue ... Sun's JRE is the recommended one. (I
believe a goal of the 0.7 rewrite is to not depend on Sun's NIO so it can run on
Free JVMs like Kaffe etc.) I use 1.5.02 on Woody, manually installed from the
sun self-extracting binary.

> Another question: When I tried freenet on a differnet, faster PC (but also
quite low bandwith) it also hung
> after about 10 hours, with a lot of java- Processes still running, but all as
zombies, so I had to restart
> that PC every time,  because freenet said it is already running when I tried
to restart it. Is that a known problem?

Hmm, well I don't remember getting actual zombie processes but I do have to tune
it on Debian to avoid periodic crashes/hangs. Basically freenet currently needs
a lot of memory (hopefully 0.7 will use less) and demands more as your datastore
gets bigger, java is crap at handling this and just falls over. You know this is
definetely happening if, after killing the mess (make a script or put in in
./start-freenet.sh ... "./stop-freenet.sh && sleep 4 && killall -9 java && sleep
3 && killall -9 java" or whatever) you try to restart the node and it falls over
with some random looking crash whilst initialising.

The solution to this is basically a smaller datastore or giving it more memory;
my freenet-running line in ./start-freenet.sh looks like this :

nice -n 10 -- java -server -XX:+AggressiveHeap -Xmx305m $JAVA_ARGS
freenet.node.Main "$@" &

The other possible issue is distro-specific thread library problems (you may
have noticed that start-freenet.sh tries to handle some known problematic cases)
but as I say I don't have problems with Woody so it probably isn't that.

>  (on that PC, also new debian, the log was always full of errors, hundreds of
unexpected values and so on, is
> that usual?

Yes :)  Freenet is full of debugging messages that make it very log-spammy on
logLevel=Normal ... you may want to set logLevel=Error, or logFile=NO to just
output to stdout, or set logRotate=true.

> But while it ran, it had always a constant in and out bandwith and transfered
exactly the amount
> of data I allowed, so there wasnt much wrong exept it always hang up after
some hours.)
> Thanks


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