Rob Lytle <europa100 at ...> writes:

> Hi,
> Has anyone been able to get Freenet working on FreeBSD?

I don't have any experience of this but a couple of observations follow.

> I have downloaded the latest stable release of Freenet.  I also have a
> number of Java implementations:
> linux-blackdown-jdk1.4.2
> linux-sun-jdk1.4.2
> linux-sun-jdk1.5.0
> jdk1.4.2 (the native FreeBSD version)
> So far, the only one that will do anything is linux-sun-jdk1.4.2.  But
> none of the Java processes communicate on localhost:8888 as revealed by
> sockstat.

It may just be crashing due to JVM issues, in which case you should see no java
processes and probably a collection of hs_err_pid* stack traces. Compatibility
with things other than native Sun java (and thus lack of full FOSS freedom) are
problems at present, which is why freenet 0.7 - the current alpha development
version - is aiming to work under Free Java platforms like Kaffe / GCJ. Actually
"gij works" in a current branch, if the SVN log is to be believed :)

Anyway if ps shows alive/blocked threads you may be seeing the very slow startup
issue fixed on more common platforms some time ago. (Slow entropy generation or
something in Yarrow.) Try waiting ages, and/or give it a huge heap via the -Xmx
line in , at least I have to do that on my blackdown 1.4.1
Sparc node for some reason.

> The Java versions that do nothing all fail with an error message
> stating that some other process owns the lockfile.  Is it one Java
> process competing against another?

This is probably the lock.lck file freenet creates in its main directory to
prevent multiple instances, if it crashes it won't get deleted ...  do so
manually and retry.


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