
I've noticed a potential problem (node version 617, sorry didnt want to update,
 node was running so nicely). Here's the symptom:

[normal operation]
When I started my node on Monday last week, traffic on my node reached very
 satisfactory levels after a day or so and stayed there for a whole week.
 Especially outbound traffic looked nice (and that's a situation that gives me 
 my node is doing it's work and being useful, either passing through data or
 answering from its own store (10g)). Network load was constantly around 80-100%
 and inbound search keys have nice peaks, also the peaks of the keys in my store
 were slowly starting to match the search request keys.

[problem occurs on ip change]
Then, in the night from Sunday to Monday, my friggin ip changed (I use dyndns,
 my provider terminates connection about every 3-10 days).
This effected that traffic pretty much grinded to a halt and has now stayed
 there for more than 10 hours. Network load is a meager18-22%. There _are_
 incoming connections. The incoming Connection event occurence counter has dropped
 from around 200-500 per hour to around 20 per hour, though.
The cease of traffic coincides pretty accurately with the change of ip (I can
 tell it's +- 10 minutes). There were 2 ip-changes at 1:56 and 2:32 monday
You can check my traffic stats, if you don't believe my words:

now, it seems pretty clear (in my naive mind), what's happening here: Probably
 my fellow nodes don't "relookup" my dyndns name, therefore trying to connect to
 my old ip (which fails).
How often is the ip of a node verified through dns, if at all? Does this only
 occur on first connection attempt?

If this problem actually exists as I described and the reasons are as I assume,
 then it would probably help the network a lot if nodes would, when building a
 connection and seeing it fails, force a relookup of the name?


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