> I never changed the browser configuration when I went from dial-up to 
> cable. Then again, since it is a Microsoft product, maybe it's going 
> around changing things behind my back and exercising more autonomy 
> than it should. I'll check...
> All there is in LAN settings (which I assume will be used for 
> anything going through the network card, including cable inet) is 
> "automatically detect settings". There's a "bypass proxy server for 
> local addresses" option, but checking it would require taking off 
> "automatically detect settings" and setting who knows what else to 
> make normal Web browsing work again.

'Automatically detect settings' makes IE hail your ISP for proxy
configuration and thereafter use the proxy the ISP gives you back for
every single web page you are fetching from the net... Seems that the
problem here is that your ISP has a broken automatic configuration
script. This brokenness causes your  your browser to ask the ISP:s proxy
to fetch a page from itself and then send it to you.. A non-broken
configuration script would make your browser ask your own machine for
the page instead (and that is where it actually resides).

Not using a proxy is 'normal browsing'. 

Just untick the 'automatically detect settings' checkbox and see if you
can browse the web correctly that way.. You can always turn it back on
again if it doesn't.. This feature is mostly used in enterprises, not so
much for home internet connections.

> Why on earth is this proving to be so complicated... *sigh* No other 
> p2p software I've got has had the slightest hiccup associated with 
> the transition to cable -- the speed boost and stabler connections 
> are all they seem to notice. :)

Try accessing BearShares localhost web interface for instance.. Same
thing ought to happen

> Also, browsing locally hasn't been affected before, now that I think 
> of it. Several things on my system have documentation in plain-jane 
> HTML, notably GTKRadiant, and those render OK in IE. Seems like it 
> has no problem with static local content, only local services on 
> loopback?

Most of those documentation page doesn't come with a web server serving
The problem has nothing to do with the actual content but rather with
how it is delivered to the browser
If the url is something like file://xxxx/yyy/zz.html the files are read
directly from your local drive
If the url is something like http://xxxx/yyy/zz.html the files are
requested from a web server running on machine 'xxxx'
The proxy settings in IE only applies to http server connections.

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