[freenet-support] OSX builds of freenet

2005-09-28 Thread Squished Squirrel
Thanks to those who tried to help me get a pathetic old Celeron 400 optimized 
to run freenet acceptably well.

I caved and spent the time to build freenet for OSX (With native jbigi 
libaries!!!) using the current stable source. I knew just enough programming to 
make the few code changes to support loading the jbigi library for OSX and 
managed to compile jbigi.jnilib using the I2P source and insert it into the 
freenet.ext.jar file. Then I stuck that into the freenet source directory so 
that I could then compile freenet using ant.

That may be nothing to the the developers that hang about here, but I'm damn 
pleased ;-)

[freenet-support] Need a little help plz ...

2005-09-28 Thread Richard Thomson

I seem to have Freenet working ok, but for some reason I am getting far to 
many error messages.
To date, I have been very lucky to get to a site's main page, but never any 
further than that.

Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong.


Here are some of the error messages ...

Couldn't retrieve key: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]/Exhale/7//exhale.html

Hops To Live: 23

Error: Route Not Found

Attempts were made to contact 4 nodes.

   * 0 were totally unreachable.
   * 0 restarted.
   * 4 cleanly rejected.
   * 0 backed off.

Couldn't retrieve key: 

Hops To Live: 15

Error: Data Not Found

[EMAIL PROTECTED],QZvYaKsdFJxfCjq~FiC5XA/CICFI//activelink.png

Request started at Thu Sep 29 02:12:58 BST 2005 and failed after 77 
Transfered 150 bytes of metadata
	Failed to follow a DateRedirect to 

RouteNotFound, reason: No route found

I am running a Wndows XP + Firefox system, below is the information from 
Freenet itself ...

Node Version0.5
Protocol VersionSTABLE-1.51
Build Number5105
CVS Revision1.

Uptime  34 minutes


Current routingTime 0ms
Current messageSendTimeRequest  5643ms
Pooled threads running jobs 89 (74.2%)
Pooled threads which are idle   15
Reason for refusing connections:	avgMessageSendTimeRequest(5643.280) > 
	It's normal for the node to sometimes reject connections or requests for a 
limited period. If you're seeing rejections continuously the node is 
overloaded or something is wrong (i.e. a bug).

Current estimated load for QueryReject purposes 75%
Current estimated load for rate limiting	1,128.7% [Rejecting incoming 
connections and requests!]

Reason for load:Load due to thread limit = 74.2%
Load due to routingTime = 10% = 100ms / 1000ms <= overloadLow (100%)
Load due to messageSendTimeRequest = 1,128.7% = 5643ms / 500ms > overloadLow 
Load due to expected inbound transfers: 15.2% because: 36738.65620474868 
req/hr * 0.003562545888037 (pTransfer) * 104871.0 bytes = 13725846 
bytes/hr expected from current requests, but maxInputBytes/minute = 1368705 
(max observed bytes per minute) * 60 * 1.1 = 90334530 bytes/hr target
Estimated external pSearchFailed (based only on QueryRejections due to 
load):	0.0

Current estimated requests per hour:22816.291614250673
Current global quota (requests per hour):   21397.611919877607
Highest seen bytes downloaded in one minute:1368705
Current outgoing request rate   36738.65620474868
Current probability of a request succeeding by routing  0.5%
Current probability of an inbound request causing a transfer outwards   0.7%
Current target (best case single node) probability of a request 
succeeding	1.8%

Open Connections

Connections open (Inbound/Outbound/Limit)   48 (22/26/200)
Transfers active (Transmitting/Receiving)   45 (20/25)
Data waiting to be transmitted/received 12 KiB/None
Amount of data transmitted/received over currently open connections	17 
MiB/22 MiB

Total amount of data transmitted/received   24 MiB/25 MiB
Number of distinct nodes connected  48

Outbound connections legend Inbound connections legend
Transmitting data   Transmitting data
Receiving data  Receiving data
Receiving and transmitting data Receiving and 
transmitting data

Messages transferred

DataInsert  65/59
DataReply   128/105
DataRequest 21419/14809
InsertReply 10/10
InsertRequest   145/87
QueryRejected   8098/15238
QueryRestarted  26684/12922
StoreData   93/77

The new MSN Search Toolbar now includes Desktop search! 

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[freenet-support] Re: Disk Thrashing issues

2005-09-28 Thread Bob
Squished Squirrel  writes:

> S  ...> writes:
> > I would venture to say that increasing VM is more likely to increase
> > disk access, not decrease it. -Xmx does seem to be what you want,
> > though; it will set a ceiling on the amount of RAM that Java will
> > allocate.
> > 
> > Try disabling Virtual Memory in Windows altogether, and see if that
> > helps any with the disk thrashing.

Hmm, that sounds a bit crazy .. although the windows VM does suck so who knows 

> You should be able to run Windows
> > plus Freenet reasonably well in 640 megs, especially if you kill off any
> > tray utilities and unnecessary services. Check the task manager to see
> > how much RAM Windows wants for itself, then use -Xmx (or FLaunch.ini)
> to
> > give Java most of whatever's left.
> > 
> > s
> In my haste to post, I said "VM to 192..." I meant JavaMem. Looking at
> the task manager, I'm not seeing any paging per se, so I don't think
> that is it. It seems to be a periodic task that freenet itself is performing.

Hmm. Tried useDSIndex=false? I don't know if that's particularly significant
though. You could also try doLowLevelOutputLimiting=false /
doLowLevelInputLimiting=false if you make sure doCPULoad=true and you have an
outputBandwidthLimit set, that's more of a CPU thing but it seems to reduce load
on my node.

Other than that give Java a lot of memory via the control panel->Java -Xmx
method and also set -Xms reasonably high to reduce fragmentation / management
overhead. If you don't run Frost or other Java apps on the same machine you
could make -Xms the same as -Xmx. Or install one JRE just for freenet and one
for other apps and set the flags per instance.

> It might go away if I dropped a drive in that had a decent cache.
> This is a 5 year old 30GB maxtor drive, and I doubt it has much of a
> cache on the drive itself. I think I really need to dig up another box
> with a wee bit more modern CPU and drive.

That would probably help. You might even consider EVM to split your DS across
multiple SATA / SCSI drives :)  This is suprisingly easy in Linux, I have no
idea how to do it in windows (possibly you would need 2003 server or something.)


[freenet-support] OSX builds of freenet

2005-09-28 Thread Squished Squirrel
Thanks to those who tried to help me get a pathetic old Celeron 400 optimized 
to run freenet acceptably well.

I caved and spent the time to build freenet for OSX (With native jbigi 
libaries!!!) using the current stable source. I knew just enough programming to 
make the few code changes to support loading the jbigi library for OSX and 
managed to compile jbigi.jnilib using the I2P source and insert it into the 
freenet.ext.jar file. Then I stuck that into the freenet source directory so 
that I could then compile freenet using ant.

That may be nothing to the the developers that hang about here, but I'm damn 
pleased ;-)

Support mailing list
Unsubscribe at http://dodo.freenetproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/support

[freenet-support] Re: Disk Thrashing issues

2005-09-28 Thread Bob
Squished Squirrel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> S  ...> writes:
> > I would venture to say that increasing VM is more likely to increase
> > disk access, not decrease it. -Xmx does seem to be what you want,
> > though; it will set a ceiling on the amount of RAM that Java will
> > allocate.
> > 
> > Try disabling Virtual Memory in Windows altogether, and see if that
> > helps any with the disk thrashing.

Hmm, that sounds a bit crazy .. although the windows VM does suck so who knows 

> You should be able to run Windows
> > plus Freenet reasonably well in 640 megs, especially if you kill off any
> > tray utilities and unnecessary services. Check the task manager to see
> > how much RAM Windows wants for itself, then use -Xmx (or FLaunch.ini)
> to
> > give Java most of whatever's left.
> > 
> > s
> In my haste to post, I said "VM to 192..." I meant JavaMem. Looking at
> the task manager, I'm not seeing any paging per se, so I don't think
> that is it. It seems to be a periodic task that freenet itself is performing.

Hmm. Tried useDSIndex=false? I don't know if that's particularly significant
though. You could also try doLowLevelOutputLimiting=false /
doLowLevelInputLimiting=false if you make sure doCPULoad=true and you have an
outputBandwidthLimit set, that's more of a CPU thing but it seems to reduce load
on my node.

Other than that give Java a lot of memory via the control panel->Java -Xmx
method and also set -Xms reasonably high to reduce fragmentation / management
overhead. If you don't run Frost or other Java apps on the same machine you
could make -Xms the same as -Xmx. Or install one JRE just for freenet and one
for other apps and set the flags per instance.

> It might go away if I dropped a drive in that had a decent cache.
> This is a 5 year old 30GB maxtor drive, and I doubt it has much of a
> cache on the drive itself. I think I really need to dig up another box
> with a wee bit more modern CPU and drive.

That would probably help. You might even consider EVM to split your DS across
multiple SATA / SCSI drives :)  This is suprisingly easy in Linux, I have no
idea how to do it in windows (possibly you would need 2003 server or something.)


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[freenet-support] 'Please close() me manually in finalizer' exception

2005-09-28 Thread Daniel Tallentire

Hello wonderful freenet devs/support lurkers.

This is the 2nd time this has happened, my node has become slow due to a  
lot of errors (10 - 15) in a row like this:

12:55:33	Please close() me manually in finalizer: Key:  
c923f1d6d077020e8b8f28b43e66389e4377a390140302 Buffer:  
New: true ( 0 of 1049900 read)

(all with different keys)

then a little later a bunch of:

	Failed to send (4)  
(DSA(60ec 5e98 c29f f58d ac69 4b9b ec62 ee57 fc57  
ab97),tcp/, sessions=1, presentations=3, ID=DSA(60ec  
5e98 c29f f58d ac69 4b9b ec62 ee57 fc57 ab97),  
version=Fred,0.5,STABLE-1.51,5105): outbound attempts=2:15/17: id=46433,  
keyOffset=11454, length=138,  
freenet.SendFailedException: Against peer DSA(60ec 5e98 c29f f58d ac69  
4b9b ec62 ee57 fc57 ab97) @ null - Message timed out on queue (nonterminal)

Last time I deleted my store and my routing tables, got a new seednodes  
and restarted. Is there any way to get rid of this without destroying my  


Daniel Tallentire

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Re: [freenet-support] Web install does not work

2005-09-28 Thread OverlordQ
#-Martin-# wrote:
> I cannot get Freenet, because the web installer does not work.  I have
> tried it many times now, and it aborts.  I tried downloading files from
> here: http://freenetproject.org/snapshots/, but perhaps they were the
> wrong ones, or not all of the right ones.  The webinstall says i have
> updated files, and would I like to use them?  but when I say yes, it
> says it cannot write to the disk.
> I'm using XP, modem connection
> Is there a zip file somewhere with all of Freenet in it, that I could
> just download?why do you use this webinstaller??? I see other people
> here have had the same problem.  I could download a package here:
> http://www.vrhome.com/freenet/, but I don't see anywhere on the main
> freenet site telling which is the current version of freenet, and I
> don't want to get an old one.   Please help.
> Thanks,
> Martin

Support mailing list
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[freenet-support] Re: Disk Thrashing issues

2005-09-28 Thread Squished Squirrel
S  writes:

> I would venture to say that increasing VM is more likely to increase
> disk access, not decrease it. -Xmx does seem to be what you want,
> though; it will set a ceiling on the amount of RAM that Java will
> allocate.
> Try disabling Virtual Memory in Windows altogether, and see if that
> helps any with the disk thrashing. You should be able to run Windows
> plus Freenet reasonably well in 640 megs, especially if you kill off any
> tray utilities and unnecessary services. Check the task manager to see
> how much RAM Windows wants for itself, then use -Xmx (or FLaunch.ini)
> give Java most of whatever's left.
> s

In my haste to post, I said "VM to 192..." I meant JavaMem. Looking at
the task manager, I'm not seeing any paging per se, so I don't think
that is it. It seems to be a periodic task that freenet itself is performing.
It might go away if I dropped a drive in that had a decent cache.
This is a 5 year old 30GB maxtor drive, and I doubt it has much of a
cache on the drive itself. I think I really need to dig up another box
with a wee bit more modern CPU and drive.

OK, I'm really beginning to hate all the limitations on the web
version of the gmane support page. Time to get on the list. Pathetic
thing can't even linewrap.
