Re: [freenet-support] need a program to crawl links in freenet

2003-10-30 Thread David McNab
On Fri, 2003-10-31 at 17:11, tripolar wrote:
> Hello all
> I need a program to crawl links in freenet to get sites in cache before 
> I need them. I get frustrated with the speed of freenet and dead links. 
> I have used freenet on windows & linux and just installed freenet last 
> night on this winbox. I spent hours clicking on links just trying to 
> pull them in.
> Anything I can do other than manually clicking on all links?

A winbox, eh?

Well, there are dozens of freeware and shareware (crack available)
windoze programs to recursively download websites. Sites like,, etc list them by the

You might need to try a few until you hit on one which doesn't molest
the '//' in freenet URIs.

Once you choose a site downloader program, you'd need to point it at:
- http://localhost:/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/TFE//
- http://localhost:/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/YoYo//
or, point it at whatever site(s) you need, observing the above URL
syntax. Be sure to disable the timeout (or extend it to an hour or so),
because these crawler progs are used to web performance.

One last thing - these crawler progs won't be able to tell one freesite
from another, since it will perceive all freesites as part of the same
'site' at http://localhost:/. So take care to set a pattern match
requirement (unless you want the crawler to suck the whole freenet).


Support mailing list

Re: [freenet-support] browser

2003-10-29 Thread David McNab
On Thu, 2003-10-30 at 13:26, Robert Greenage wrote:
> I have received many answers to my problem. However, none have worked.When
> I log on to my ISP IE6.0 loads and automatically goes to
> then I get the error message
> res://C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\SHDOCLC.DLL/dnserror.dns. In properties the correct
> earthlink address is the default start page. And the address is correct.I
> can start other browsers opera and Mozilla. I can also access the earthlink
> start page with those browsers. The problem of email is the major issue. I
> even reinstalled IE 6.0 without any success. Please help.

You answered your own question, Robert - choose another browser.
Opera and Mozilla are both excellent. My choice would be Mozilla because
of its superior standards compliance.

Your loyalty to Microsoft is horrifically misplaced. M$ internet apps
are the single biggest risk to your online security. Give them up. Use
some *real* softare.

(I won't admonish you here to use a *real* operating system like Linux,
BSD or OSX, because *that* could be seen as trolling.)


> --- Robert Greenage
> --- EarthLink: It's your Internet.
> > [Original Message]
> > Date: 10/29/03 8:14:46 AM
> > Subject: Re: [freenet-support] browser
> >
> > This is nothing to do with Freenet.  It sounds like you've accidentally
> > set as your homepage.  Did you know that if you
> > accidentally press CTRL+D while using IE 6.0 it will set the current page
> > to be your homepage?  It sounds as if this is what you have done.  If
> > you're using IE 6.0  you can set your homepage by clicking on Tools,
> > Internet Options, and typing a new address where it says "Address:"
> >
> > If you want to set it back to Earthlink's homepage, the address you should
> > enter is probably
> >
> > Favourites and History have nothing to do with your homepage.  Favourites
> > and History manage your favourites (on the Favourites menu and the Links
> > toolbar) and your history (shows you which pages you've visited recently)
> > respectively.
> >
> > Freenet does *not* change a browser's homepage setting.  Only the user can
> > do this themselves.
> >
> > hope this helps,
> >
> > d
> >
> > > freenet has co opted my browser. when i log on to the net my browser
> would
> > > default to my ISP(earthlink) it defaults to
> i
> > > cannot get it to go to any other website. even by using favorites or
> > > history. the default browser for earthlink is IE 6.0. this also happens
> to
> > > be how i access my mail. any ideas?
> > >
> > >
> > > --- Robert Greenage
> > > --- EarthLink: It's your
> > > Internet.___
> > > Support mailing list
> > >
> >
> > ___
> > Support mailing list
> >
> ___
> Support mailing list

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Re: [freenet-support] Computer coming to a halt - which configoptions to use?

2002-08-28 Thread David McNab

On Wed, 28 Aug 2002, Roderik Muit wrote:

> Date: Wed, 28 Aug 2002 11:38:46 +0200 From: Roderik Muit
> [freenet-support] Computer coming to a halt - which config options
> to use?

> So freenet is running happily for a few days, but the load is
> frequently above 20 and my server gets unusable. I want to keep
> doing other stuff on it too. I'm trying to find a solution to get it
> in a workable state again (or I'll shut down my node).

Run freenet as 'nice 19 java -cp /path/to/freenet.jar...'

> But I didn't find enough info about tuning my freenet that I
> _really_ know what I'm doing. I need to ask someone.

> Having looked at some documentation, I saw 2 options in the config
> file I could use: maximumThreads and maxNodeConnections. Right or
> wrong?

> Setting maxNodeConnetions is preferred, putting a hard limit on the
> number of threads is ugly (or uglier). Right or wrong?

> Well, I decreased maxNodeConnections from 30 to 8, to see what it
> would do, expecting the number of threads to go down too... But what
> happens?  The NodeInformationServlet gives me:- the number of 'Open
> Connections' is between 16 and 32, usually somewhere at 24. Why? I
> was expecting this to be 8. Does maxNodeConnections not have
> anything to do with the number of open connections?- in the 'Load
> Stats': usually 8 entries. (At the moment it's 9.) Are those the 8
> connections, then?- The Thread factory tells me that at this moment
> there are 45 active threads and 18 available ones. Uhm... this is
> kind of much, I think... And I was kind of hoping to get that down
> with the maxNodeConnections setting, but that does not seem to be
> the case...

> Should I just set maximumThreads to 30 or something?  Or is there
> another better option, to keep my node from going wild?

> Misc info: my node, with datastore of about 2GB, runs on a Sun Netra
> X1 (128MB RAM) under Linux (Debian Woody). It runs with Blackdown
> JVM 1.3.1 (which seems the only usable choice for linux/sparc. I
> tried the Kaffe .deb -1.0.6-7+.cvs20020411- but Kaffe often just
> quits without notice). I'm running build 494 (which is what is
> packaged for Debian unstable; I'm lazy when I can get away with it).

> --Roderik.

support mailing list

[freenet-support] Internet Censoring - Instructions

2001-09-30 Thread David McNab

>  I have run into various sites that are very
> disguisting.  I also have a 12 year old brother who
> surfs the internet and I don't want him to come across
> the filth that is out there.  I would greatly
> appreciate if you sent me information on censoring the
> internet.

Hi Sulema,

I certainly appreciate your concern about the volume of morally unacceptable
content available on the web. It's amazing that all the countries of the
world have not signed treaties banning this perversion once and for all.

However, there is a simple approach you can take, which will guarantee that
you will never be bothered by indecent content again.

What you need to do is set your browser to use the following address as a
proxy server:
Port: 80
You can make this setting in Internet Explorer by clicking on Tools, then
Internet Options, then Connections, then Settings (if on a LAN, click LAN
Settings). Then click 'use a proxy server', and type in the address and port
I mentioned above. Click OK twice, then you're done.

When you make this adjustment, I promise that you will never be exposed to
indecent content again.

>  If possible please include the price lists.
> Thank You,
> Sulema

As for prices, Freenet Technical Support works by donation.
Recommended donation amount is $25 US.
To make the donation, click on then click on the
'PayPal' button on the left.

Hope this helps.


Support mailing list

[freenet-support] Re: Freenet on WinMe

2001-05-04 Thread David McNab

I must admit I don't know what could be causing this. The only copy I have
of WinME time-bombed last year.
I've cc-ed this reply to the official Freenet support mailing list (which I
*strongly* advise you to sign up to by visiting )
I do know that WinME has a different TCP/IP stack to other Windows versions
like Win95C/98/2000.

All the best

- Original Message -
From: "eventure" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, May 05, 2001 2:18 AM
Subject: Freenet on WinMe

> I have just installed FreeNet on Windows Me with JRE 1.2 which was
installed with jdk 1.2.2 last month.  Installation in successful but when I
double clicked the red rabbit icon on the desktop, I only got a rabbit icon
with a red line flashing in the systray.  If the mouse is obove the icon,
there is a message, "Freenet is having problem.".  If the icon is double
clicke, there is nothing happen.  If the icon is clicked with right button,
the "open gateway" option is unchooseable and nothing happened if  "Start
Freent" or "Config" opton is chosen.   Fortunatly it will be shut down if
"Exit" is chosen. :)
> Would you please help me to settle this problem?
> Thanks.
> Li Hua

Support mailing list

[freenet-support] FreeWeb - new GUI Client

2001-04-21 Thread David McNab

Hi all,
Announcing a brand new GUI-based Freenet 
client program.
It's called 'FreeWeb', and uses Freenet to 
implement a new World Wide Web over Freenet.
More specifically, it implements a new domain 
called ".free", using an in-Freenet DNS registry.
Unlike the mainstream Web, sites published on 
'.free' are immune to takedown demands, and can't be tracked to their 
For example, you can publish a site, and create 
URLs on your own domain such as
You can also use these URLs to visit other people's 
* No need to know anything about Freenet keys - no 
more 'freenet:MSK@SSK@whatthehellisallthisgobbledook/somesite//'
* Easy GUI-based upload of websites - just 
drag'n'drop a folder, name the domain and go
* Implements a 'pirate' domain called 
* Compatible with any web browser
* Smart configurable anonymity filter blocks web 
* Secure in-Freenet DNS registry with fully 
automatic domain creation and submission
* Fully compatible with existing 
MSK@SSK@blahblah/sitename// URIs
* Includes a special proxy server, so browsers 
actually see a domain called '.free'. For example, browsers will retrieve 
the URL
* Does all the housekeeping involved in uploading 
and updating websites - as many as you want
* Transparently uses Mr Bad's 'freenetmirror' in 
background as the upload engine
* Uploaded sites are automatically listed on (unless author requests 
* cron-friendly - able to update sites in non-gui 
FreeWeb is officially alpha code, but basically 
quite safe, stable and functional.
I've squished as many bugs as I can find just now, 
but don't expect it to be totally perfect.
It feels appropriate to put it out for testing now, 
so as it approaches beta and full release, I can make best use of your 
It's been successfully tested on Windows 98 and 
2000. Hopefully it should also work on Win95C (perhaps B too), and NT 
Sorry, but at the moment, no Linux or Mac ports are 
available (KDE and Mac developers please get in touch).
To find out more, and download your copy, 
Any bugs, suggestions, bouquets and brickbats, 
please send to me directly - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Enjoy! :)

[freenet-support] Quick freenetmirror question

2001-04-18 Thread David McNab

Does the standard '-htl' cli parameter actually 
work with freenetmirror, and cause the site files and mapfile to actually get 
inserted with the given htl parameter?
In other words, if I include '-htl 40' in the 
freenetmirror args, does the stuff actually get inserted with an HTL of 

Re: [freenet-support] Freenet Win with Sun JDK 1.3.0-C on Win2kSP1 not accepting inserts?

2001-04-14 Thread David McNab

As far as I'm aware, there's been a problem with installer.
What you'll need to do is download the ZIP file, and extract the
files into your freenet install folder.
If this doesn't work, please write to this group again.


- Original Message -
From: "Mika Hirvonen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, April 15, 2001 6:41 AM
Subject: [freenet-support] Freenet Win with Sun JDK 1.3.0-C on
Win2kSP1 not accepting inserts?

> Hash: SHA1
> I downloaded & installed Freenet from
> Because I wanted to get to know Freenet first before connecting my
> to the Freenet network, I cleared the "read from inform" setting and
> started the server. I tried then to submit a piece of information (the
> freenet readme) to my server using the http gateway, but I came up with
> following error message: (don't worry about the strange hostname, I'm on
> internal network with its own DNS server and masquerading router/firewall)
> - --clip--
> Content-type: multipart/form-data (3 parts)
> 0 content-type: application/unspecified
> 1 content-type: text/plain
> 2 content-type: application/unspecified
> User specified content-type: text/plain
> Inserting with content-type: text/plain
> Inserting key: freenet:KSK@stormshadow/freenet/readme.txt
> Got content type: text/plain
> State "PREPARED" reached.
> A message was sent to tcp/stormshadow.storm:63057.
> State "REQUESTING" reached.
> A message was received from tcp/stormshadow.storm:63057.
> The request was unsuccessful. Src:tcp/ htl:9 depth:0
> id:45c4ce0e98ffe2cd type:Freenet.message.RequestFailed was received
> State "FAILED" reached.
> Insert failed gracefully.
> Client object signalled: Graceful failure.
> - --clip--
> Because the message wasn't exactly helpful, I turned on debug logging and
> tried again. Same response. I then waded thru the logs and found some
> strange things:
> - --clip--
> 14.4.2001 21:14:32:java.lang.String:-1719449700:Normal:Reading 4613 bytes
> 14.4.2001 21:14:32:java.lang.String:-1719449700:Debug:4613 bytes read
> 14.4.2001 bucket
> t4234fb42
> 14.4.2001 failed
> bucket t4234fb42
> 14.4.2001 bucket
> t7379676d
> 14.4.2001
> t4f114163
> - --clip--
> Those lines above say that the server recieved the file, but encountered
> some kind of an error while handling it.
> - --clip--
> 14.4.2001 21:14:33:Freenet.ConnectionHandler:6262622:Debug:Rawmessage:
> InsertRequest
> e0e98ffe2cd,}}
> - --clip--
> That line was the strange one. If I read the parameters correctly, it
> reports the file length (DataLength) to be zero, which is incorrect.
> The rest of the logs showed that the gateway then tried to request the
> it just tried to insert, obviously failing, giving up on the insert and
> displaying the error message.
> Configuration files and complete logs are available upon request.
> - --
>   Mika Hirvonen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   PGP key @
> Version: 6.5.8ckt
> Comment: KeyID: 0xA49FAC41E9DF74C1
> iQA/AwUBOth9t6SfrEHp33TBEQJ1AQCg7vBJlY3XePO/eB1FV7LnwSVNWsoAoJc3
> 4T+5R+VZ5gNOybbG4pQmN5gx
> =tERl
> ___
> Support mailing list

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