Idea/algorithm : Fair use media file transformer

A potential way to transform media files for legal
sharing via fair use.

Consider a desired media file (for example a song),
as an array  A[1..N] of numbers.

Consider a New work B [1..k*N] of numbers.

Initialize B to a completely new (or random)
set of numbers.

Next, For x = 1to N set B[k*x] = A[x].

(if you prefer, you can transform it by
a reversible function - such as adding
or multiplying by constants).

This creates a NEW WORK B[1..kN].
This work will sound completely different
from work A, it is a new work, any contents
that WERE of A have been transformed
markedly, and would not be recognized by
a reasonable person as being the same.

New Work B could be separately copyrighted,
or given to the public domain.

New work B could - it would seem -
be distributed freely by its creator (or
others - if authorized or if in public domain).

Now granted, someone who receives
New Work B -  MIGHT - in the privacy of
their home - offline - RETRANSFORM
New Work B for personal use.

That transformation MIGHT include
extracting every Nth  number from
B[] and saving it into an array C[]  (or
A'[], or it could involve any of a WIDE
variety of transformations that satisfy
the user in the privacy of her own home.

For example :

For x=1..N set A'[x]=B[x*k]

(or any other transformation the recipient
likes).  It  *IS* possible that some transformations
might result in a file which might potentially
infringe on a pre-existing copyright, and if
this is illegal it should NOT be done.

Of course one might argue that this is
personal transformation of a work and fair
for private use, and potentially protected
by privacy but I don't know the legal nature
of this.  (Naturally, if it is illegal in a given
jurisdiction it should NOT be done).

It seems to me that this NEW WORK creation
and transmission approach should be
protected by copyright law itself.
If you create a new work and copyright it,
and/or if you give it to the public domain, you
presumably have the RIGHT to allow others
to copy and share it as you wish.

Now it may be true that any work of a given
length N can be transformed into any OTHER
work of a given length N, but clearly it would
be absurd to say that there is only ONE
possible legally protected work of length N
and noone can create another such work.

(Similarly, a work A[1..N] could be transformed
into j works of length N/j   (or longer).  Each
of these new works could be unique -containing
many different numbers -although containing
N/j of the work A (possibly transformed) interspersed
infrequently among it).  Nevertheless
each work would be CLEARLY new, and would
NOT sound at all similar to any reasonable
person when played.

I hope that you found this theoretical idea /
hypothetical algorithm to be of interest.

Thank you for your time.

                - Gerhard

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