Freenet stable build 5085 is now available. Please upgrade ASAP, if you
are running a stable branch node (if you are running unstable, you'll
know that you're running unstable). You can do this using the
script on POSIX-like systems such as Linux and MacOS/X (or Darwin):
On Windows, you can use the update option on the start menu.
On any platform, you can stop the node, download over your
existing freenet.jar, and then start the node up again.

Note that this build makes 5084 mandatory, so if you are still running
5083, you should DEFINITELY upgrade.

This is the result of more than 2 months work, and has many changes:

Some major changes to a critical part of the routing algorithm, the
KeyspaceEstimators. The new implementation is faster and much more
accurate. There are also many other changes to the routing code. There
may be a readjustment period on the network for a while as people
upgrade and the network sorts itself out. Your routing table will be
reset on upgrade: the nodes will still be there but because of the
algorithm change, the node will need to discover what their specialities
are all over again. Sorry, it was not possible to make this backwards
compatible. Many other minor routing improvements, many of them as a
result of simulation (by running several nodes simultaneously on one
machine, and running tests).

Firewalled nodes will now automatically pick up their IP address from
the nodes they are connected to (once enough nodes have upgraded). Thus
you no longer need to specify an address in the config file or use
dyndns. This should make Freenet significantly easier to use for new
users on firewalled/NATted setups. You will still need to forward the
listenPort for maximum performance as we have not yet implemented
automatic port forwarding (it would require us to borrow some code for
Universal Plug and Play from other GPL'd Java apps; we may do this

Several fairly significant rate limiting fixes and improvements. Nodes
were comparing two averages over different time periods when calculating
their current request capacity, and sending the wrong Minimum Request
Interval to the requesting node. This caused significant problems in our
simulations. Also we now send "keepalive" messages occasionally,
including the MRI, so that nodes don't get out of date when the MRI
changes quickly (for example on startup).

Fixed a number of long running bugs affecting inserts, mostly at the
client end. Especially inserts of large files. If you gave up trying to
insert something because of timeouts, try it again on 5085.

Use a limit of 80 connections by default on Windows 98/ME, not 40. This
should make nodes on such operating systems work slightly better. If you
have problems with running out of sockets you may need to reduce the

New diagnostics, new scripts, updates to scripts, improvements to
announcements (but still not working properly), fixes for
NullPointerExceptions (if you don't know what these are you don't want
to), improvements to the routing table status pages, always overwrite
the old logfile unless told otherwise in the config file (logOverwrite)
to prevent the disk filling up, two new stats, node_<number> renamed to
node, and loads of internal refactoring (moving code around, deleting
dead code).
Matthew J Toseland - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Freenet Project Official Codemonkey -
ICTHUS - Nothing is impossible. Our Boss says so.

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