Occasionally I am getting one or two levels into "The Freedom Engine", but mainly I'm just "waiting for". It's something like "Waiting for Godot" -- you know something is supposed to be happening, but you don't know just what.
A couple questions (I'm running build 5036):
1. When the message in my browser is, "waiting for", is it best to leave it running, or to shut down it down and try again later? If the advice is "wait", how long? Ten minutes? An hour?
2. I notice that quite often the load is 100%. Am I queued, or rejected, along with everyone else? Do I have any priority at my own node?
3. I'm behind a software firewall, and have set "local host" to the firewall IP, with port forwarding to my machine. Is that correct?
4. Is a node I must go through? Is it my node?
5. Should Freenet be stopped and started occasionally? (I'm pretty much just leaving it running.)
PS. I really mean it... you people offering support must have the patience of Job with us beginners. So thanks.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2003 4:40 PM
Subject: Re: [freenet-support] Beginner... all I get is "Waitingfor127.0.0.1..." ...follow-up

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