I went through the new node setup process with 0.5pre1, and found the 
following easily remediable problems with the automatic configuration, 
in the order they are encountered:

1.  fcpHosts  The instructions do not make it plain that if you enter a 
list it has to include "localhost", if you omit it, it is not allowed, 
even though it is the default (the same was true of the instructions for 
fproxy hosts when they were in the freenet.conf and, I think, for 

2.  And this is the disastrous one.  Under the heading "services", it is 
remarked that you could type in "fproxy", and various helpful-sounding 
results will follow. If you follow this reasonable-sounding suggestion, 
then "mainport" and "nodestatus"  are not included in the config file, 
as there is no suggestion that you should also retype these.

3.  There is no advice on how to access mainport or nodestatus ports 
from another computer - I got "nodestatus.allowedHosts" from one of 
these mailing lists, and "mainport.allowedHosts was a lucky guess on my 
part that happened to coincide with what the relevant developer thought 
it should be.  (Again, I presume the default is to allow localhost, but 
if you put a value in for these items it has to explicitly include 
localhost - this consistent behaviour could perhaps be explained both in 
the autoconfiguration routine and in freenet.conf).

4.  After a few minutes operation, the node complains that I have not 
set "mainport.params.servlet.1.params.tempDir" and produces errors as a 
result.  I wrote it in with a reasonable directory on a partition with 
some room, a default would be good.

4a  A default for the FEC temporary directory would be good, it is 
rather unkind to expect a new user to choose one, and if necessary make 
it.  This is not so significant as 1-4, but I don't see why Linux users 
should not be spoon-fed, if we want Linux to make inroads into the 
Windows user-base.

Roger Hayter

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