I've stopped trying to get the current (read "unstable") cvs of freenet to build using kaffe on linux due to sheer lack of time. I was kinda dumbfounded when the current freenet cvs would not buid *and* run on the latest Sun java release. I posted my sketchy logfiles and java vm output here, to which toad replied "blecch, jvm problem". Yep.

Time now permits more research.

See http://developer.java.sun.com/developer/bugParade/bugs/4712498.html
for more info.

If you are using Sun java version "1.4.1_01" to *build* and run freenet on linux and/or Solaris add the following options to the command line or your shell script "-server -Xcomp -Xverify:all". Freeenet will start slowly, but will start.

I just restarted the linux and sun os nodes - i'll see how they are doing in 24hrs.

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