Hello, all,

I am now working on experiments with Freenet on Planetlab. I have had the
problem to make Freenet nodes communicate on PlanetLab for a long time. I have
checked everywhere and it seems that the reason is the listen port of every
freenet node cannot accept connection requests from other freenet nodes. I have
the node start up command like:

ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED] /bin/sh
tart.sh &

in which freenet_4_4_4_N0_start.sh is a script on planetlab-1.cs.princeton.edu
to call freenet's Java API.

I found that there's only one java process running on the remote machine after
the command is executed.

Instead, if I first ssh onto planetlab-1.cs.princeton.edu, then execute the
command on it locally,

tart.sh &

there will be a list of java processes running.

So I am thinking if the freenet node has not been fully started up on the remote
machine if I execute the start-up script remotely?

Now I am doing experiments with four machines. I created seednodes.ref file for
each node in which the content of myref.txt files of other nodes are included.
I also updated the port numbers in each node's configuration files. The client
commands are like:

java -cp freenet.jar freenet.client.cli.Main --FCPServerAddress $ClientPort put
[EMAIL PROTECTED] file1 --htl 1 --logLevel normal

Do any of you have any similar experiences? I am really anxious to get the
answer. Thanks a lot in advance!

Yanyan :)

Yanyan Wang
Department of Computer Science
University of Colorado at Boulder
Boulder, CO, 80302
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