Re: Official Debian port with FSO

2008-08-18 Thread Jay Vaughan

Is there any chance someone might be interested in making an image of  
their Debian-SD card available on the 'web, so that all we would need  
to do is copy the image to a compatible-sized SD card and away we go?   
I'd sure like to test this, if someone wants to do it ..

Jay Vaughan

support mailing list

Re: Debian : Touchscreen calibration

2008-08-13 Thread Jay Vaughan
> I also added a short description on how to get GPS working on Debian:

rockin', i'm putting debian on my machine right now ..

Jay Vaughan

support mailing list

Re: Unable to Flash Root File System - Error 60

2008-08-13 Thread Jay Vaughan
> sorry may be a silly question , but is  dfu-util in that directory ?

It is installed as part of the .app bundle of the OpenMoko Flasher  
application, so substitute my path with yours to that .app ..

Jay Vaughan

support mailing list

Re: Unable to Flash Root File System - Error 60

2008-08-13 Thread Jay Vaughan
> PS I can't get run dfu-util provided with OpenMoko Flasher to run from
> Terminal ... -bash: dfu-util: command not found

Here is how I do it:

DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/Applications/OpenMoko\ Flasher\ 
MacOS/../Resources/ /Applications/OpenMoko\ Flasher\ 
MacOS/dfu-util -a 5 -R -D  openmoko-image.jffs2

(All on one line, careful of spaces in the path ..)

Jay Vaughan

support mailing list

Re: Todays 2008.08 Bug list [[ sorry -> offtopic now ]]

2008-08-11 Thread Jay Vaughan
>> Well. I don't use GMail at all and I receive duplicates as well. I
>> believe it's mailman's (or exim's) fault.
> You misunderstand, its GMail causing the duplicate messages, of course
> it filters them out so GMail users don't see them (sorry if my posting
> from a GMail account causes dupes)

GMail does not deliver my mail to me and yet I get duplicates.  I've  
run tons of mailing lists in my time, and I've seen this mailman issue  
many times over.  It happens when mailman attempts to deliver a  
message, gets part-way through the list of addresses to deliver to  
(subscribers), encounters a fatal exception - usually some sort of bad  
email address or server connection - and then retries to deliver.

Jay Vaughan

support mailing list

Re: FreeRunner is completely dead

2008-08-10 Thread Jay Vaughan

> You can work around it with another battery that has charge;  
> externally
> charging you battery with external charger; or the not recommended but
> "I did it and there was no smoke in my case" provide external 5V  
> briefly
> to battery + terminal (making sure they share 0V too) briefly until it
> starts.  After that, if it stays awake it should charge OK.

Is it possible that this issue happened with the neo1973 as well, by  
any chance?  I have a neo1973 that also refuses to power on no matter  
what I do with it .. maybe I should use the charged batter of my  
freerunner to see if it can be brought to life?

Jay Vaughan

support mailing list

Re: Todays 2008.08 Bug list [[ sorry -> offtopic now ]]

2008-08-09 Thread Jay Vaughan
> I'm not the only one who's seeing this? And here I was thinking I'd
> somehow broken something...

I get multiple copies of mails on these lists every day and have  
complained about it but its not getting fixed.  Its a problem with  
mailman dying mid-delivery, I believe, and restarting its queues ..

Jay Vaughan

support mailing list

Re: Compiling C on the phone

2008-08-09 Thread Jay Vaughan

> Is there a package or packages I can install to get everything I  
> need to
> build python C extentions on the phone?  Is there a way to build  
> them on
> my linux machine that doesn't require building the entire openmoko
> distribution first?

You need binutils too ..

Jay Vaughan

support mailing list

Re: Kernel with built-in usb drivers

2008-08-07 Thread Jay Vaughan
> You mean the Debian kernel to have usb tether drivers built in?

No, I mean fix it so that it can deal with having them as modules.

Jay Vaughan

support mailing list

Re: Kernel with built-in usb drivers

2008-08-07 Thread Jay Vaughan
> I understand that the usb tether drivers were moved out as kernel  
> modules. However, for the Debian port to work, I need them as part  
> of the kernel. Can someone point me to how I can re-compile the  
> latest kernel with the drivers included?

Any chance you could be convinced to fix Debian so that it doesn't  
have this requirement?

Jay Vaughan

support mailing list

Re: Unnecessary rant - Was: Re: USB networking in Ubuntu

2008-08-06 Thread Jay Vaughan
> The problem I now have is that I am unable to get usb0 recognized as  
> an
> interface by ifconfig.
> The command:
> ifconfig usb0
> results in
> SIOCSIFADDR: No such device
> usb0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device
> I have tried modprobing usbnet and cdc_ether but the problem remains.
> Help from any quarter would be much appreciated as I am at my wits'  
> end.

I haven't been tracking your problems, but are you *sure* that the  
usbnet module is loaded on your Freerunner?

Jay Vaughan

support mailing list

Re: Unnecessary rant - Was: Re: USB networking in Ubuntu

2008-08-06 Thread Jay Vaughan



On Aug 6, 2008, at 9:23 AM, Joerg Reisenweber wrote:

> Am Mi  6. August 2008 schrieb Olivier Berger:
>> Joerg Reisenweber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>> Maybe just adding the link by yourself would have been enough :-(
>> Yay maybe.
>>> My job is to fix your hw and create new one, not to supply links.
>> Well... dunno what your employer tells you to do... but I consider
>> good practice to provide explicit links to valid information for
>> *customer support* interactions, rather than say "Mr smith told
>> something in past 48 hours" when that mr smith posts tons of emails.
>> At least, as a volunteer, I tend to provide explicit information (and
>> complement with wiki editing) as much as I can... so I would expect  
>> so
>> from professionals... but I guess you're overwhelmed by mail, so I
>> know it's hard to take time to browse the web archives to retrieve a
>> link and that adds extra burden compared to coding and such.
>> But please, think about your customers.
>>> C'mon encourage me to give such information in the future, when I  
>>> come
> along.
>>> Best regards
>>> jOERG
>> Thanks for the good job, and sorry for my pendantic tone.
>> P.S.: been working for years in SW industry for customer service on
>> application maintainance, been there, done that ;)
> Just note I'm NOT customer support but hw-developer. I have a  
> 10hours day to
> fix HW!!!-bugs, and the mailing lists spam me with ~600mails per day  
> which
> I'm trying to read all of them. I really don't see any chance to  
> care about
> providing links that anybodyelse could find easily, just for your
> convenience, while I might work same time another 5 min on what's  
> I'm payed
> for.
> Ok, you convinced me to skip more mail unread, to think twice before  
> answering
> to any ml-posting,
> and to save my time not to answer mail like this one from now on
> congrats
> cheers!!!
> ___
> support mailing list

Jay Vaughan

support mailing list

Re: Led light stay on after boot

2008-08-06 Thread Jay Vaughan
> It's not pretty in there.  I guess this is today's topic for debug  
> action.
> - -Andy

Phew!  Go, Andy, go!! :)

Jay Vaughan

support mailing list

Re: gta02, 2007.2: state of upgrades

2008-08-02 Thread Jay Vaughan
> Why does our packaging fragment the module binaries into a zillion
> individual packages anyway and allow this issue?  Why are the modules,
> intimately tied to the monolithic kernel of the same version, not in  
> the
> same package to guarantee consistency?  We have the space and it  
> will be
> a rare customer who micromanages his package set to the extent of  
> adding
> and removing module packages.

i have been wondering about this a bit myself and i guess having all  
modules broken out into individual packets means that, if a module  
fails to build for some reason, we still get all the other modules.

it could *also* be broken out that way because its an indicator that,  
at some point, someone, somewhere, has to make a 'combined' set of  
modules for the 'default' install, but until that time it helps for  
individual hackers to have individual module choice ..

my personal view is that we really should have a 'one hit and you get  
the lot' package that puts on the base modules, and leave the more  
exotic stuff out and/or broken into individual packages.  the fact is  
there are a lot of kernel modules that are useless to us, but which we  
might still end up building, anyway, as part of the full kernel roll- 
out ..

Jay Vaughan

support mailing list

Re: gcc cant find cc1, g++ cant find crt1.o

2008-08-01 Thread Jay Vaughan
> There are a few *-symlinks packages you'll want.  I believe it's
> gcc-symlinks.  Just do "opkg list | grep symlink" and install the
> relevant ones.

.. and don't forget the -dev packages too ..

Jay Vaughan

support mailing list

Re: "opkg upgrade" breaks USB networking: g_ether module missing

2008-08-01 Thread Jay Vaughan
> As a user, I beg to differ.  Splitting the kernel into packages is a
> pita for users.  More to download, more to manage and more to go wrong
> with inconsistencies and installation mayhem.

I have been enlightened, I concur ..

Jay Vaughan

support mailing list

Re: "opkg upgrade" breaks USB networking: g_ether module missing

2008-08-01 Thread Jay Vaughan
> But so does a single kernel package that includes the modules.  There
> can be no risk of having modules mismatch the monolithic kernel then.
> Nor will changing to this model "destabilize" anything, the package is
> sticking things down /lib/modules same as the modular packages do  
> using
> the same code in the packaging app.

okay good point, i see what you are saying.  i guess the only negative  
to this is that people will start getting modules they're never going  
to use ..

> Current setup seems unstable IMO because it indirects through the  
> whole
> packaging system, bloating the work done there.  The only thing that
> makes sense about it is that is reduces footprint on storage when we
> consider all the modules, but bulk of users do not want to have to  
> care
> about package selection to this degree, they will go with whatever
> default package set is.

well another thing is i could write an app that has a dependency on a  
module, and get it pulled in for me by the package dependencies, i  

> Anyway this is up to the packaging guys, but I would stick it all in  
> one
> package and have done with it, making folks' updates faster as a side
> effect.

glad we're discussing this!

Jay Vaughan

support mailing list

Re: "opkg upgrade" breaks USB networking: g_ether module missing

2008-08-01 Thread Jay Vaughan
> We should generate all the meaningful gadget modules now in the stock
> kernel config now, there is no need for a custom kernel for this.


Jay Vaughan

support mailing list

Re: "opkg upgrade" breaks USB networking: g_ether module missing

2008-08-01 Thread Jay Vaughan
> |>> ~ - binning the finegrained module packaging and having the  
> modules
> |>> all
> |>> inside the kernel package
> |> nope.
> |>> ~ - if not, making some modules dependencies of the kernel package
> |> yes.
> |>> ~ - doing a depmod post-install or update of a kernel module  
> package?
> |> yes.

> Opinions are interesting but frankly useless to me without some
> explanation of why you came to think like that.  Sometimes people have
> the wrong idea sometimes and it leads them to the wrong conclusion,
> happens to me all the time anyway.  So please expand on "why".

The strategy above allows us to easily add and remove packages while  
maintaining stable end-user systems.  Until the dust settles on the  
kernel/modules packaging, I suggest we do the above to be as safe as  

Jay Vaughan

support mailing list

Re: "opkg upgrade" breaks USB networking: g_ether module missing

2008-08-01 Thread Jay Vaughan
> ~ - binning the finegrained module packaging and having the modules  
> all
> inside the kernel package


> ~ - if not, making some modules dependencies of the kernel package


> ~ - doing a depmod post-install or update of a kernel module package?


Jay Vaughan

support mailing list

Re: "opkg upgrade" breaks USB networking: g_ether module missing

2008-08-01 Thread Jay Vaughan
> The g_ether module is pretty much essential and I don't see any harm
> in having all possibly-useful modules available to anyone using stock
> kernels. If someone needs unusual driver configurations, are they not
> likely to be rolling their own kernels?

No.  It would be useful if the ability to swap gadget_* modules was  
standardized - that way people do not need to run custom kernels in  
order to go from gadget_ether to gadget_audio to gadget_storage, etc.

Jay Vaughan

support mailing list

Re: New Freerunner - never gets GPS fix

2008-08-01 Thread Jay Vaughan
> Is there anything I can do - check signal levels or something - or do
> I need to return this for warranty replacement?

stupid question, but did you turn it on?  you have to use the power  
menu to turn on GPS each time the freerunner boots ..

Jay Vaughan

support mailing list

Re: OM2007.2

2008-07-30 Thread Jay Vaughan
> I would be curious to know what kind of developer numbers (non-OM
> employees) would provide support to a fork of OM2007.2 into a purely
> community driven project?

I'll tag along if there is a fork.

> Does everyone think 2007 is a dead path and that the ASU/FSO course
> is the only one to follow?

Not me!  I witnessed all the work that went into OM 2007.2 over the  
last couple of years - including the days of OE - and when it was all  
chucked out for 'the new stuff' it was, frankly, a bit miserable.

Jay Vaughan

support mailing list

Re: mixer settings for voice recording?

2008-07-29 Thread Jay Vaughan
>> and if configured correctly, which is:
>>> If the PGA and mux are configured, it should work OK.
>> then /dev/dsp will output PCM data?
> woah, I finally got it to work. I change DAI Mode from "DAI 0"
> to "DAI 1" - and suddenly the dsp-device spits out tons o' data.


Jay Vaughan

support mailing list

Re: Factory-fresh phone and dropbear

2008-07-23 Thread Jay Vaughan
> You're right. It doesn't apply only to a factory-fresh phone, it
> applies any time dropbear is updated. Hopefully users will recognise
> this, because it was explained to them in this Quickstart guide. If
> not we'll need to add an FAQ to the wiki or make the Quickstart
> explain this better.

.. hopefully users won't be doing command-line upgrades in the future,  
using a GUI instead ..

Jay Vaughan

support mailing list

Can we make gadget_networking a module please?

2008-07-23 Thread Jay Vaughan

I'm currently working on a gadget_AUDIO driver for the Freerunner, and  
was wondering if it was at all possible to convince the powers that be  
to make gadget_ethernet a module in forthcoming kernel updates, rather  
than being compiled in?  This way I could easily swap out  
gadget_ethernet and load gadget_audio, turning the Freerunner into a  
USB-Audio spec compatible sound card, meaning you can take calls on  
your Freerunner while its plugged into your PC, who thinks its got a  
multi-channel audio i/o card connected to it, and thus all audio on  
the Freerunner can be easily recorded into a DAW, etc.

Something to consider, hopefully postively ..
Jay Vaughan

support mailing list

Re: Qtopia

2008-07-22 Thread Jay Vaughan
> I've been hoping someone would put a very step-by-step "cut 'n paste"
> HOWTO on dual or triple-booting by utilizing the SD Card on the wiki.

imho, a little python script you could run on an out-of-the-box  
freerunner that sets up multi-boot on an 8gig SD card would be  
*heaven* .. just imagine having the freerunner do all the work of  
setting up a multi-boot for all three environments for you.. *drool*

Jay Vaughan

support mailing list

Re: GTA01BV4 died, please help me.

2008-07-15 Thread Jay Vaughan
> i remember that there is someone in the maillist tell us don't
> remove battery while plugged into USB.

yeah, i remember this thread, but unfortunately it didn't happen on  
the mailinglist until long after i'd already bricked the neo ..

Jay Vaughan

support mailing list

Re: GTA01BV4 died, please help me.

2008-07-15 Thread Jay Vaughan
> My Neo1973 wan't start anymore.
> Sometimes it happened (I think to all of us! ;) ) that NEO1973's  
> battery goes
> fully discharged, and for this I follow the instruction on the wiki  
> pages
> (detach battery 20 seconds, attach to USB, wait 1 hour, start the  
> Phone).
> It does function always till this time.
> I've done a test using a fully charged battery from a nokia 6230: no  
> sign of
> life.
> Someone can help me, please? What must/can I do to have my Neo1973
> functioning?

I also have a neo1973 in this state.  I believe the problem (in my  
case) was that the battery was removed while it was still plugged into  
USB, and this fried the power regulator circuitry or something.

Please advise: how can I get this neo1973 repaired?

Jay Vaughan

support mailing list